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View Full Version : Doubt with interrupt on change

- 4th March 2010, 23:55
Well my problem is that i want to make an interrupt on change with RA0 on PIC16F684 but since i'm beginer in this and i'm not a well english reader i have troubles doing this, mi code next:

if INTCON.0 = 0 THEN disparo
GOTO inicio

PORTA.0 = 1
INTCON.0 = 0
FREQOUT PORTC.5,10,38000
PORTC.5 = 0
GOTO inicio[\B]

if somebody can help me, i'd be very glad. Thanks

- 5th March 2010, 04:29
Hi lugo.p,
Let's start off with, change the big old Capital B to the word code, then your code tag will work, do it on both ends.

Add this to your code along with the proper configs and define your OSC.

INTCON = %10001001
'Bit 0 = RAIF Port A Interrupt Flag
'Bit 1 = INTF INT Flag
'Bit 2 = T0IF Timer zero Interrupt Flag
'Bit 3 = RAIE Port A Interrupt ENABLE
'Bit 4 = INTE INT Enable
'Bit 5 = T0IE Timer zero Interrupt Enable
'Bit 6 = PEIE Peripheral Interrupt Enable
'Bit 7 = GIE Global Interrupt Enable

IOCA = %00000001 ' enable IOC on RA0
'Bit 0 = RA0 interrupt on change
'Bit 1 = RA1 " " " " "
'Bit 2 = RA2 " " " " "
'Bit 3 = RA3 " " " " "
'Bit 4 = RA4 " " " " "
'Bit 5 = RA5 " " " " "
'Bit 6 = Unimplemented
'Bit 7 = Unimplemented

OPTION_REG = %00000000
'Bit 0 = PS Prescaler
'Bit 1 = PS Prescaler
'Bit 2 = PS Prescaler
'Bit 3 = PSA Prescaler Assignment bit
'Bit 4 = T0SE Timer zero source edge select bit
'Bit 5 = T0CS Timer zero clock source select bit
'Bit 6 = INTEDG Interrupt Edge Select bit
'Bit 7 = RAPU PortA weak pullup bit

- 5th March 2010, 15:22
And puting that on my code IOC will work?

Because i have configured IOCA = $01, OPTION_REG = $00 and INTCON = $98