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View Full Version : Initial EEPROM data

- 4th March 2010, 06:10
It would be nice to be able to set up initial on-chip EEPROM data like the Picaxe.

something like:

DATA @00 "Bla bla bla"
DATA @11 "More bla bla"

Rather than a separate line for every value.

Some more Human verification questions for the forum would also be nice.
Then we can all get an education as well.
"What colour is a ripe tomato?" I'd ditch these boring kind though.

Darrel Taylor
- 4th March 2010, 07:00
And what would be even better is if you could add a Label to it to make it easy to find.

BlaBla DATA "Bla bla bla",0
MoreBla DATA "More bla bla",0

Then you could ...
Idx = BlaBla : GOSUB PrintStr
Idx = MoreBla : GOSUB PrintStr

READ Idx, Char
IF Char != 0 THEN
Idx = Idx + 1
GOTO PrintStr

Your wish is granted.
And the update has been magically downloaded to everyone's PicBasic Pro installation. :D

- 5th March 2010, 08:32
Oh, that was prompt :)
I'll check next time I write something.