View Full Version : PIC 16F877A circuit for stepper motor...

- 19th February 2010, 18:03
hye,..may i know how to make a circuit for stepper motor using the PIc 16F877A?? and how does it works?

and how to make the program?

what is the different PIc16F877A and PIc16F877..??
from the application for??


- 19th February 2010, 20:56
This should get you started with steppers.

The two PICs are pretty much the same. The "A" chip is the new version with a few more features. The data sheet for each will tell.

- 27th June 2012, 08:13
Stepper motors can be easily interfaced with pic microcontrollers using L293D or ULN drivers. Which type of stepper motor are you using..?.......You may refer the following link. I think it will help you......
Interfacing Stepper Motor with PIC Microcontroller (http://www.electrosome.com/stepper-motor-pic-microcontroller/)