View Full Version : keypad

- 19th February 2010, 15:22
Looking at the keypad example from Bruce's website, is there anyway this can be modified to show if two keys are pressed at the same time? For example, if I pressed two keys at the same time I could turn right and go forward.

PAUSE 50 'Debounce key-input
getkeyu:' Wait for all keys up
PORTB = 0 ' All output-pins low
TRISB = $f0 ' Bottom 4-pins out, top 4-pins in
IF ((PORTB >> 4) != $f) THEN getkeyu'If keys down, loop
PAUSE 50 ' Debounce key-input

getkeyp:' Wait for keypress
FOR row = 0 TO 3 ' 4 rows in keypad
PORTB = 0 ' All output-pins low
TRISB = (DCD row) ^ $ff ' Set one row pin to output
col = PORTB >> 4 ' Read columns
IF col != $f THEN gotkey' If any keydown, exit
NEXT row
GOTO getkeyp ' No keys down, go look again

gotkey: ' Change row and column to key number 1 - 16
key = (row * 4) + (NCD (col ^ $f))
'NOTE: for 12-key keypad, change to key = (row * 3)
RETURN ' Subroutine over
