View Full Version : Origin of Assembly Table

- 8th February 2010, 02:50
I am working on a PID controller that also does the quadrature decoding of an optical encoder (which I made tehehe). I have it basically working using assembly interrupts.

The basic operation is to get the current encoder channels and the encoder channels from the last interrupt (interrupt on change of pin value) into one byte, which goes from 0-15 (I make sure to clear the 4 MSB bits).Then it uses a lookup table (In assembly, consisting of a PCL addition to a GOTO branch) to determine what this code means. I know it'd be faster to shift my index left by 1 or 2 places, and then have the necessary instructions on 2 or 4 lines. However, I'm not there yet.

My main concern is that right now, I put my interrupt service routine as close the top of the code as possible, w/the table near the top of the interrupt service routine. I do this because I want the PCL to have a value that is less than 255-15, so that when I add to it jumps to the right place. According to AN556 from Microchip (http://www.engr.usask.ca/classes/EE/331/AN556.pdf) standard practice is to put an "org [address]" at the beginning of a table. What I can't figure out, even after searching quite a bit, is what is a good value for this? I've played around with it a bit, but it either doesn't compile because the address interferes w/PBP code, or crashes my code.

Where can I determine a good value for the ORG of my table? Also, I know that the interrupt service routine needs to be near the top, is this because it has to be on the first page?

I'm a bit confused about these pages and stuff. What's the best way to attach code?

Please advise.


- 8th February 2010, 05:45
Here is the code:


- 8th February 2010, 12:33
Hi, Matt

You have two solutions ...Using PBP ...

1) Use a Lookup table ... PBP will care of all the adresses.

2) Using an assembler retrieve table

peekcode ( 850 + sampled ), delay ' 881 = 850 + 31 !!!



'************************************************* ****************************
'************************************************* ****************************
' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Pokecode @881, 24, 27, 29, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 47,_ ' 30
50, 54, 57, 60, 64, 68, 71, 75, 79, 83,_ ' 40
87, 91, 96,100,104,109,113,118,123,127,_ ' 50
132,137,142,147,153,158,163,169,174,180,_ ' 60
186,191,197,203,209,212,217,245,250, 1,_ ' 70
7, 13, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 24, 25, 26,_ ' 80
27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,_ ' 90
37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48,_ ' 100
49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62,_ ' 110
63, 65, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79,_ ' 120
81, 83, 84, 86, 88, 90, 92, 94, 97, 99,_ ' 130
101,103,105,107,110,112,114,117,119,122,_ ' 140
124,126,129,132,134,137,139,142,145,148,_ ' 150
150,153,156,159,162,165,168,172,176,180 ' 160


Note, for me , the " sampled " value was from 31 to ... a lot !!!

Here , the best is to compile @ first using the Highest adresses of the Prog memory, to see where the program ends, and then shift the table adress to lower adresses.

Here, I have 140 values, so, first compile has been made with Pokecode @ 860 ( leaving little room for the END statement ! - was a 12F675 )

The MPLAB Program window, here is a GREAT help ...

some months after that ... I've added as much program lines as possible ... this explains my table is @ the very top memory adresses available. ( 1022/1024 lines occupied ...)


- 8th February 2010, 12:56
Hi Matt, Welcome to the PBP forum.

I'm a bit confused about these pages and stuff. What's the best way to attach code?
Please advise.



As Mister_e says:
[ code] paste your code here [/code ] leave out the spaces inside the [/code ] tags

- 8th February 2010, 17:23
Hi, Matt

You have two solutions ...Using PBP ...

My interrupt is an assembly interrupt, so I can't have PBP code there... right?


- 8th February 2010, 19:34
Hi, Matt

Its no problem ... the method is the same ...

in assembler NOW ...

Line Address Opcode Label Disassembly

805 324 3052 Z000A7 MOVLW 0x52
806 325 0744 ADDWF _Sampled, W
807 326 00B8 MOVWF 0x38
808 327 3003 MOVLW 0x3
809 328 1803 BTFSC STATUS, 0
810 329 3E01 ADDLW 0x1
811 32A 00B9 MOVWF 0x39
812 32B 0838 MOVF 0x38, W
813 32C 00B0 MOVWF R8
814 32D 0839 MOVF 0x39, W
815 32E 00B1 MOVWF 0x31
817 330 00BD MOVWF delay

879 36E 3FFF
880 36F 3FFF
881 370 3FFF
882 371 3418 RETLW 0x18 ; jumpman label here ..
883 372 341B RETLW 0x1b
884 373 341D RETLW 0x1d
885 374 3420 RETLW 0x20
886 375 3423 RETLW 0x23
887 376 3426 RETLW 0x26
888 377 3429 RETLW 0x29
889 378 342C RETLW 0x2c


991 3DE 3465 RETLW 0x65
992 3DF 3467 RETLW 0x67
993 3E0 3469 RETLW 0x69
994 3E1 346B RETLW 0x6b
995 3E2 346E RETLW 0x6e
996 3E3 3470 RETLW 0x70
997 3E4 3472 RETLW 0x72
998 3E5 3475 RETLW 0x75
999 3E6 3477 RETLW 0x77
1000 3E7 347A RETLW 0x7a
1001 3E8 347C RETLW 0x7c
1002 3E9 347E RETLW 0x7e
1003 3EA 3481 RETLW 0x81
1004 3EB 3484 RETLW 0x84
1005 3EC 3486 RETLW 0x86
1006 3ED 3489 RETLW 0x89
1007 3EE 348B RETLW 0x8b
1008 3EF 348E RETLW 0x8e
1009 3F0 3491 RETLW 0x91
1010 3F1 3494 RETLW 0x94
1011 3F2 3496 RETLW 0x96
1012 3F3 3499 RETLW 0x99
1013 3F4 349C RETLW 0x9c
1014 3F5 349F RETLW 0x9f
1015 3F6 34A2 RETLW 0xa2
1016 3F7 34A5 RETLW 0xa5
1017 3F8 34A8 RETLW 0xa8
1018 3F9 34AC RETLW 0xac
1019 3FA 34B0 RETLW 0xb0
1020 3FB 34B4 RETLW 0xb4
1021 3FC 0063 Z000C3 SLEEP
1022 3FD 2BFC GOTO Z000C3
1023 3FE 3FFF
1024 3FF 3FFF

does it sound good now ???

Note it's the straight Compiled PBP lines ... soooo , speed is " not so bad " don't you think ???

so I can't have PBP code there... right?

It's a very very good question, indeed ...

But, If I tell you more ... Darrel will " blow a couple of fuses " ... LOL !
