View Full Version : Simple Blinking LED - WTF!!

- 1st February 2010, 05:17
OK, I've been out of the PIC stuff for about a year now and have noticed some significant brain drain (on my behalf):)

I am just trying to get back into the PICbasic with some simple LED blinking with a 12F683. I looked at some of my old code with controlled 3 LED's and the code (compiled) works just fine. But when I comment out 2 of the 3 LED's, the remaining LED just stays ON.

The code posted shows only GPIO.1 remaining active...but the LED stays on.

I know this is peanuts to all of you...but please help me out. I even tried a simple code with a simple loop! Still didn't work.


osccon = %01100000 ' Ocs set to 4 MHz
trisio = %00000000 '
wpu = %00011000
'CMCON0 = 7 ' Analog comparators off
'ANSEL = 0 ' Analog select set to digital, pg 69 data
'ADCON0 = 0 ' A/D turned OFF, pg 68 of data

pausetime var word
Out0 var gpio.0
Out1 var gpio.1
Out2 var gpio.2
B0 var byte

pausetime = 200
B0 = 0
low 0
low 1
low 2


'button gpio.3,1,10,5,B0,1,notp
if gpio.3 = 1 then goto start

'call blink0
'call blink2
call blink1

goto start

high out0
pause pausetime
low out0
'pause pausetime

high out1
pause pausetime
low out1
'pause pausetime

high out2
pause pausetime
low out2
'pause pausetime

goto start


- 1st February 2010, 05:20
Hi johnnylynx,
Change CALL to GoSub
Call is an asm function - return works with gosub.

- 1st February 2010, 05:34
Hi johnnylynx,
Change CALL to GoSub
Call is an asm function - return works with gosub.


Thanks for the quick feedback - Question though - why would it work if all three or two CALL lines are active?

I tried changing the CALL to GOSUB and it still didn't work. If I add a 'PAUSE pausetime' after the LOW command it worked. Found that solution elsewhere!

Why would it work with out the added PAUSE (with 2 or more CALL's active)?

Confused I am.


- 1st February 2010, 05:39

Thanks for the quick feedback - Question though - why would it work if all three or two CALL lines are active?

I tried changing the CALL to GOSUB and it still didn't work. If I add a 'PAUSE pausetime' after the LOW command it worked. Found that solution elsewhere!

Why would it work with out the added PAUSE (with 2 or more CALL's active)?

Confused I am.

John.Hi John,
Think about what you are telling it to do,
Turn light on
pause 200
turn light off
no waiting here
turn light on
pause . . . The PIC is faster than the eye.

- 1st February 2010, 05:59
Hi John,
Think about what you are telling it to do,
Turn light on
pause 200
turn light off
no waiting here
turn light on
pause . . . The PIC is faster than the eye.

Yep, time for me to get some rest...Can't believe I missed that. Now I can rest peacefully.


- 1st February 2010, 06:19
Don't feel bad, I looked over it and didn't see that either! haha.