View Full Version : Talking Clock (Pic Based)

- 11th January 2010, 05:43
Talking Clock

Hi Guys,
First off, I think there should be a "Show Off your Projects" section here.
I might ask the mods/admin about it, but this post has another purpose...
To possibly share a pic code to play selected samples, or maybe just ascertain
if there's a desire or need for such a thing from people here.

First of all, Here's my Pic based Talking Clock:


It uses a 16F628 running at 4MHz with it's internal RC clock to run an assembler
code to play samples which are selected by a control chip (16F876 in this case).

The control chip simply sends one of 16 possible sound sample codes on a four bit bus
to the sound chip which then plays the desired sample.
While that sample is playing, a busy pin is set high to tell the control chip
it is busy, and not to send another sample until it's finished.
The busy pin can also be connected to an LED to indicate sound is playing.

So since I already have a chip capable of playing samples "0" through to "12",
this chip could possibly be shared for people to use in other projects. What do you think?
My most immediate thought is a program that speaks digits as buttons on a
numeric keypad are pressed.

Here's a video:
I know the sound quality is bad, but it can be made better.
I am currently using 22050 samples, and NO filtering where there should be.
Oh, credit where it's due: The sound code is based on Roman Black's BTc algorithm.
Cheers, Art.

- 20th January 2012, 11:27
Never did follow this up.... came across it now I'm looking at btc sound again.
Anyway, the project became a monster!
All in basic except for the Roman Black btc sound chip.


- 20th January 2012, 14:45
That's awesom Art...
Really, I mean that's a work of art, Art. :semi-twins:

I am impressed with your tenacity at finishing up what you started. I usually get lost in some other interest, half way through any given current project.

Nice work on the proto board.