View Full Version : PIC KIT 2 writing problem ?

- 28th December 2009, 19:16

There is a strange problem, i will be very happy if solve it.

I am using windows 7 64-bit as operating system. It is the first time that i use PicKit2 on this o.s.Also my PBP compiler version is 2.46. I am using Pic16F84A (doesn't work on 16F678A either)

Here is the situation:

I can succesfully select, import and write hex file on PIC. But when i put the pic to the circuit, it doesn't work. I track the problem. Circuit is Ok. I select to read the Pic, but PicKit2 shows me only 0000 in the program memory,it shouldn't be like that is it not?


- 29th December 2009, 01:24
you have the configuration set to all protect. You cannot read anything other than 00s from the pic in this condition, so, there is no problem there.

- 3rd January 2010, 12:59
Thank you, it was a little mistake :).By the way i didn't find the problem. I reinstalled the program and now it is working properly.