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View Full Version : need pic basic tutorial

- 12th February 2005, 21:33
ive been searching for a decent tutorial for pic basic and have come up dry, back in the day ( about 89) i taught my self basic via a book, i was wondering if any one had sugestions of a great book to purchase detailing all comands and usages of these comands, ive looked and come up dry any sugestions?

- 13th February 2005, 02:37
One of the books that got me going pretty good is "PIC BASIC An Introduction". I got it from MELabs but you can also get it thru Crownhill. There are numerous easy to understand programs in there to really get you going fast. All the details are explained for each program. I also bought "PIC Microcontroller Projects" by John Iovine and "Programming PIC Microcontrollers with PicBasic" by Chuck Hellebuyck. All of these books have been great! You can also get these books from both Crownhill and MELabs.

I started out with the Basic Stamp and Stamp 2 and moved on to PICS. I'm working on a very large annunciator project for one of my customers and what I have learned from these books and from reading posts on this group have really made this project alot of fun for me.

If I can be of any further help, just ask.

Have fun!


- 14th February 2005, 08:46
Hi, Picman

Lots ( ! ) of good stuff at : www.Parallax.com and

Note it's PBP compatible too ...
