View Full Version : ADC setup for 16F716

- 12th November 2009, 00:51
Will these settings set PortA.3 as an analog input?

TRISA =255
DEFINE OSC 3 '3.56 MHz oscilator
DEFINE ADC_BITS 8 'Result resolution
DEFINE ADC_CLOCK 3 'Sets internal RC clk(2-6us)
DEFINE ADC_SAMPLEUS 5 'Cap sample time of 5us

ADCIN PORTA.3,w7 'Ck for vibration

Then I SEROUT to an LCD display.

Nothing else required to set for this multi functional (Vref) pin?

I get the other PortA pins to work, but not this PortA.3 pin (although I have op amp inputs on the others).
Is there a minimum input current requirement to be able to be read by the PIC?
I have 1.5V going through a 1k allowing for 1.5mA of current input to the pic.


Darrel Taylor
- 12th November 2009, 02:23
ADCIN PORTA.3,w7 'Ck for vibration
The ADCIN statement uses the AN number instead of the PORT.PIN

ADCIN 3,w7 'Ck for vibration

- 12th November 2009, 02:39
That would do it. Thanks you so much.