View Full Version : Can't seem to add AllDigital to the include files

- 11th November 2009, 21:07
Hi all

I've been trying to add the AllDigital include to a simple program, but must be doing something STUPID as usual.

I added the file to the PBP include files folder, but it is not found when I try to compile. I place the include statement at the top of the program. Obviously I must not have the file in the right place . .

What have I done wrong?


Darrel Taylor
- 11th November 2009, 21:23
I added the file to the PBP include files folder
One level too deep.
Put it in the PBP folder (the folder with PBPW.exe in it).

- 11th November 2009, 23:05
Totally striking out so far - -

I'll resume tomorrow before I put my fist through the computer..


- 12th November 2009, 04:21
OK - I got it
Thanks a bunch Darrel.
