View Full Version : Pickit3 from Microcode Studio

- 8th November 2009, 02:27
I have discovered the programming parameters to program using Pickit3 directly
from Microcode Studio IDE.
I downloaded Microchip MPLAB latest 8.4, uninstalled previous version and
installed new to its default directory.
MPLAB automatically upgraded the firmware of the Pickit3 on first run.

The Programmer name for the IDE is PK3CMD.exe and is located at:
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB IDE\Programmer Utilities\Pickit3\PK3CMD.exe
The parameters are:
-P$target-device$ -F$hex-filename$ -E -M -B -L
The -B (batch) is only to keep the DOS window open after programming to
see completion messages and could be left out. A space bar press will exit DOS.
The -L will release the MCLR.
Add an V5 or V.3 and possibly other voltages to power the PIC from the Pickit3 USB.



- 17th March 2010, 22:20
Hello- I just got my PICkit 3 and tried your config data but all I get is a DOS window, then it goes away and nothing seems to happen.
I do not have the programmer plugged into the RJ socket because I wanted to see it bring up the programmer first.
Do I need to have it plugged into the target in order to bring up the programmer?

- 18th March 2010, 02:20
Do I need to have it plugged into the target in order to bring up the programmer?
I believe so, yes.


- 9th November 2013, 17:31
I have discovered the programming parameters to program using Pickit3 directly
from Microcode Studio IDE.

The Programmer name for the IDE is PK3CMD.exe and is located at:
C:\Program Files\Microchip\MPLAB IDE\Programmer Utilities\Pickit3\PK3CMD.exe
The parameters are:
-P$target-device$ -F$hex-filename$ -E -M -B -L
The -B (batch) is only to keep the DOS window open after programming to
see completion messages and could be left out. A space bar press will exit DOS.
The -L will release the MCLR.
Add an V5 or V.3 and possibly other voltages to power the PIC from the Pickit3 USB.

Thanks for this - the only thing I added to your parameter list is -Y since I like to verify after programming.


- 12th December 2013, 20:04
IS this the Microchip version or the Olimex version? I am considering picking up the Olimex version from Digikey for about $42US.

- 12th December 2013, 21:11
The parameters apply to the PICKit 3 from Microchip but if the Olimex unit is compatible it should be compatible.
On the other hand, why by a clone when the genuine one (http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/PG164130/PG164130-ND/2171224) is the same price?
If you want a clone they are available on EBAY or from places like SURE Electronics for ~$29 including shipping.


- 12th December 2013, 21:18
Does the debugging feature work with PK3 and MCS?


- 12th December 2013, 21:36
No, I'm afraid not.
Source level debugging is only available from within MPLAB as far as I know. It's one of the reasons I've been wanting to "get into" MPLAB X.
I wish they'd add it to MCSX though, that and code folding.


- 12th December 2013, 21:59
The parameters apply to the PICKit 3 from Microchip but if the Olimex unit is compatible it should be compatible.
On the other hand, why by a clone when the genuine one (http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/PG164130/PG164130-ND/2171224) is the same price?
If you want a clone they are available on EBAY or from places like SURE Electronics for ~$29 including shipping.


Honestly, I havent checked. I was going to buy a U2 but this is around 60% of the price and I can have it in the morning. I hadnt looked around for the Microchip version because I assumed it would be a higher price.

- 13th December 2013, 02:25
$44.95 from Digikey for a real PICKit 3 http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/PG164130/PG164130-ND/2171224

- 13th December 2013, 03:30
...If you want a clone they are available on EBAY or from places like SURE Electronics for ~$29 including shipping.

I can second the use of the clone (http://www.sureelectronics.net/goods.php?id=1128) at SURE Electronics.


- 13th December 2013, 03:49
The comments on the Sure unit scares me. I'd be tempted to buy the other one above.


- 13th December 2013, 13:12
$44.95 from Digikey for a real PICKit 3 http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/PG164130/PG164130-ND/2171224

I knew I'd seen it on Digikey in an earlier search! Thanks. Couldn't find it yesterday, not sure why it didnt appear. Is this directly compatible with Microcode Studio? I've only ever used an old EPIC and a U2 which are awesomely simply to use with their GUI interface.

- 14th December 2013, 03:56
The comments on the Sure unit scares me. I'd be tempted to buy the other one above.

RobertHi Robert,
My original purchase of PICKIT2 was actual microchip and it failed in short order, which by the fact I paid them licensed me to buy the clones which to my mind are better, have lasted longer, cost 1/2 as much and even bear the PICKIT 2 & PICKIT3 logos, and run without a hitch on microchip software. It is possible they are licensed vendors. I have had zero issues with Sure's products.

- 17th December 2013, 00:10
I have had zero issues with Sure's products.

+1 - what he said

- 23rd December 2013, 13:52
I ended up taking a Mircochip version from Digikey.

- 25th January 2014, 16:36
I ended up also to purchase PicKit 3, but I'm not very satified with it (I have had it now 2 days). In MPLAB mode (MPLAB IDE & MPLAB X IDE), operation has been poor. So far I have not managed to program any hex succesfully. I have tested old and new MPLAB's (GUI & command line), but always there have been some issues. With GUI prommers PicKit is detected OK, firmware downloads OK, but when I try to read, write, erase, etc.. there are problems. With command line (e.g via MicroCode Studio) I managed to erase, flash and verify, which was kind of promising event. Anyway, there was issues to run flashed hex in PIC.

I downloaded PICkit 3 v3.10 standalone prommer software (http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/PICkit3%20Programmer%20Application%20v3.10.zip), which started to work OK when bundled firmware files were installed. Now it auto-detect PICs, read & write & verify OK and works otherwise fine.

I read recently MPLAB mode (in MicroCode Studio) programmed PIC with standalone prommer and surprisingly part of code did not match with original hex. That was the reason why PIC did not work.

I thought that Microchip tools (mine is from Sure's) would work a little bit more reliable way. Even my old handmade serial port flashing prommer is more reliable and better working that Microchip commercial one.
I'm not really happy, but happy enough that it is working. My old serial port (COM) prommer had issues with some of the laptops (docking station with com port) so that I had to purchase USB based prommer.

- 25th January 2014, 17:24
Hmm, I've never had problems like that with my PICkit3. At one time I thought I had bricked it since it wouldn't change firmware between MPLAB and standalone programmer mode but after a while it gave in started working again, other than that it's been working just fine for years, with MPLAB, with the stand alone application and with command line interface (which is what I use 90% of the time).

Seeing you got it from Sure Electronics and seeing they are selling both what appears to be genuine PK3s from Microchip (the red/clear ones) AND clones (the black ones), which one did you get?

Make sure you pay attention to the target Circuit design precautions shown in the "PICKit3 poster" (http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/52010A.pdf).


- 25th January 2014, 19:02
Cmd line MPLAB via MicroCode Studio and PICkit v3.10 seems to work now OK, which is good :)

But, GUI MPLAB's still seems to have some issues:

Target device was not found. You must connect to a target device to use PICkit 3.

MPLAB IDE (v8.92)
PK3Err0045: You must connect to a target device to use PICkit 3.

Firmware upgrades/changes were successful in both GUI environments.
In all cases I have used same HW, so that is not an issue (and yes, PIC was connected to PK3). I think issue in PICkit SW...

My PICkit 3 is real Microchip one (made in China). Same poster was in package ;)

- 25th January 2014, 23:01
How do you power your circuit?
Depending on how the command line switches are set it may be that the commaŽnd line interface is set to provide power to your circuit while, when you you're programming from within MPLAB, thePICKit3 is not set to provide Power to the circuit.


- 26th January 2014, 09:06
Thanks Henrik!

It seems that GUI MPLAB's needed additional setting to power the target.

Power -> Power Target Circuit from Tool (ICSP Options)

Now it work like a charm.