View Full Version : Microcode Problem

- 8th February 2005, 22:57
Hi all,

Im using Microcrocode Studio, WIN XP Home and PBP 2.43. I was able to compile it. I dont know how, but I have tried during all the weekend but the MCS dont generate the HEX file, only ASM, BAS and MAC.

I tried everything I could (including formating my laptop) withou success. Yesterday, it showed an error [303]. I've found in pbp txt files that I must change the FILE number on config.sys, but I am using XP HOME!

Now it compiles, but dont assembler (instead of message thal everything is ok, but I cant find the HEX file).

Someone had this error? Can anyone help me?

Best regards,


- 9th February 2005, 02:02
Hi SergioRM

I´ve once had a similar problem with MCS and WinXP and I decided to (for good) to get rid of WinXP and use Win2000 and it has been working like a Rolls Royce.

I remember also that for some reason MCS "forgot" where to put the files and the only way I found at that time was to open a window with the directory where I thought MCS whas doing the writings and watch the differents files beeing created by MCS.

I´ve found a weird thing also, if by any chance within MCS you use the "save as" with the file you are working like for instance myfile.??? to myfile_a.??? next time you compile the new file, it will erase the previous myfile.hex and you only see myfile_a.hex.

Sorry if my help is not much
