View Full Version : Temperature Monitoring Using GSM

- 6th November 2009, 14:51
Please help me to construct a program. please give me a guide how to create a program using PICBASIC PRO.. how to send a message. example when the LM35 will get reach to the 50 degree Celsuis. the message that stored in the outbox will send to the first number in the phonebook automatically.. please help me for this. just give a guide how will i do that.. Thanks.. by the way.. the mobile that i would use is a nokia 3310.. here is my schematic... im using a PIC16F877a because i have many sensor to put but this time only i would use one sensor which is LM35..


please help me.. thank you

- 6th November 2009, 19:22
I hate to tell you this, but if it is your first time with PBP or PICs in general, this is to much to soon.


Can you make a LED blink?

- 7th November 2009, 08:39
yes i can make a led blinking. i know something about a picbasic pro. but regading to the interfacing with the cellphone i dont have a knowledge about that. in PIC i know also.

- 7th November 2009, 11:34
This might be what you need to get started.

- 7th November 2009, 13:52
AT+CMGF=0 //Set PDU mode
AT+CSMS=0 //Check if modem supports SMS commands
AT+CMGS=23 //Send message, 23 octets (excluding the two initial zeros)

please insert this in the picbasic pro program. so that i can send this message.. that's all i need.. tnx..

- 7th November 2009, 17:32
Post the program you are trying to make work and I am sure someone will be able to help you get it worked out.