View Full Version : PIC18F8722 and LCD

Bill Legge
- 4th November 2009, 05:18
I'm using:

1. PIC18F8722 at 40MHz (HSPLL setting with a 10 MHz Xtal.
2. PBP.
3. Standard LCD
4. All pins outputs and A/D off - all pins are digital.

1. The LCD works fine on all the ports (with 8 pins) but not on PORTH.
2. PORTH has other uses, apart from I/O: External memory, ECCP1 and ECCP2 but these are 'OFF' by default - and I've set the SFRs to confirm this.
3. But still no luck with PORTH?
4. Running other programs i.e LED flashing shows that the PINS of PORTH are working as outputs OK.

Any ideas? I guess that I'm not setting some SFR?

Regards Bill Legge

Bill Legge
- 4th November 2009, 09:42
I have been digging around the PBP complier and have found:

In the file '18F8722.BAS' there are the lines:


Is this the cause of the problem?

Regards Bill Legge