View Full Version : Error[118]

- 18th October 2009, 15:07

I'm done writing my program, but every time i try to compile it. It give the following error:

Error[118] c:\pbp\picpro~1\ont\ontste~1.asm 154: Overwriting previous adress

I have already located the error but i doesn't understand why he give the error.
If i remove line 12 (org 0x00) or 97 (GOTO INITIAL) the problem is solved.

But with the opcode org, i only say where i write my program away in the µC. So it doesn't matter that the goto instruction is also at 00. Or am i wrong?

I have uploaded my program.

Thanks at advance,

- 18th October 2009, 19:43

It's has noting to do with the original problem but i have found and solved another one. I say this so that you don't wonder why i did this if you are looking in the program.

At line 371 i want to multiply by 10 and i did this by doing a rotate left 5 times, and that isn't a multiply by 10 but by 32.
Now i didn't multiply the denominator, but i divided the divisor with 10.

The new file is uploaded as well.

If you found another mistake, please feel free to inform me.


- 21st October 2009, 21:56
I had the same 118 error when I got back to programming the other day. It's caused by a conflict in trying to write the config settings. The simple thing to do is to edit the INC file PBP directory and rem out the line beginning [i]__config

- 22nd October 2009, 08:05
Hi, Lionheart

I really do not understand why you use PicBasicPro fot such a program ...

as it is fully asm Written ...

Make it simple !!! you won't get errors such " 118 " ...


BTW : Happy Birthday !!!

- 22nd October 2009, 09:17

First of all thanks for wishing me a happy birthday.
Originaly i wanted to write it in basic language. But i could not do wat i wanted. Because the time i can measure with Pulsin was to short. And in assembler i could costumize everything. And calculate the time to the nanosecond wich was also important.

I have inc my first line like you said from org0x00 to org 0x01 and the problem is gone. So if i understand correctly the problem was that the adress org 0x00 was preserved for the config settings then. Thanks for the info.
