View Full Version : Error 118 over writing address 2007

- 18th October 2009, 14:40
Hi guys,

Long time since I posed here (so long I've forgotten all my original details so created a new account !)

After a four year break I thought I would hook up my old EasyPIC5 board and have a go at programming PICs again. I've installed PBP 2.47 (which is Ok for my needs) and the latest version of MicroCode studio. I've also downloaded MPASM (tried 8.4 and the old version 7.5) but when I load up one of my old programs and try and compile it MPASM fails and I get the above error shown in MicroCode Studio.

I've googled issues with running the programmer exe under Vista and have set it to run as administrator, given myself full security rights and taken off UAC in the user profile. using the automatic scans Microcode picks up both the PBP exe, the programmer exe and MPASM exe.

Can anyone point me in the right direction...


(formally Malc-C)

- 18th October 2009, 15:15
I remember I had to edit the INC file...

Remmed out the config settings and now works fine !

- 18th October 2009, 16:21
Scampy ...

That's really cute !!!

So, Malc

1) download MPLAB 8.15 from the µChip archives folder. ( also a link from Melabs site\support )

it's the most advanced MPLAB version " Old " PBP ( understand < 2.60 ) can run with.

2) Note PBP 2.60 is worth its $$$ ( considering V2.50 brought major enhancements ...)

Have a nice Sunday


PS: http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/member.php?u=2848

- 18th October 2009, 16:31
Hi ya,

Thanks for the tips -

Must admit that a lot of things are coming back to me now.... I'll check out the specs for 2.60 and might consider the upgrade... mind you, I'm still progressing beyond the LED flash me stage :) - so might not need a lot of the bells and whistles it may offer

- 18th October 2009, 16:35
Thanks for the link - remembered my password now !!