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- 6th February 2005, 04:12
Hello i need help...

how i avoid the blink using serout

SerOut 1,N2400,[254,1]
pause 100
SerOut 1, N2400, [254, CDLine1,"EGT=",#EGT]
SerOut 1, N2400, [254, CDLine1," "]
SerOut 1, N2400, [254, CDLine1,"EGT=",#EGT]

- 6th February 2005, 11:29

I think you need to tell us a bit mor precise what actual problem is.

I understand you are using a serial LCD.

is the "blink" you are talking about a "blinking-block-cursor"

What type of display are you using?

- 6th February 2005, 22:23
In set of using Clear the Screen with the LCD command ...

Who i ken clear the Screen with out the LCD command for clear to avoid the blink screen..

my problems is when you print to the LCD example...

SerOut 1, N2400, [254, LCDLine1,"Run=",#Run]

Display Run=125

but the problem is

SerOut 1, N2400, [254, LCDLine1,"Run=",#Run]

Display Run=125

goto Stat

the number 5 is from the one before and if a use the clear command then you si the screen blink..
this ken be done by send spaces but i look blink and with the command for lcd...

my ingles is not good so i dot now is a explain correct...

I appreciation the help ..

- 6th February 2005, 22:45
ayeeeeee. O.K.

I'll try to make your life easier with some question and answer

1. Do you want to avoid LCD blink when you refresh your display?

This can be caused by the slow baudrate you're using or the delay between each LCD refresh.

Usually when using a PAUSE of 100 ms between each LCD refresh is good.

Try this

start :

SerOut 1, N2400, [254,1,"EGT=",#EGT] ' this line clear the LCD
' and display on the
' first line in one shot
pause 100
goto start

2. Do you want to refresh only one part of your display. I mean only the section after "EGT=" ?

In your case, try this one

SerOut 1, N2400, [254,1,"EGT="]
start :

SerOut 1, N2400, [254,$84," "] ' this line clear 5 character
' after "EGT="
SerOut 1, N2400, [254,$84,#EGT] ' this line display your result
' right after "EGT="
pause 100
goto start

I hope this is what you're looking for.

I'm i right but you speak spanish? If yes, let us know, i think that some user can translate for you.


P.S: a i see you just edit your post, perhaps the 2nd code example will work.

- 7th February 2005, 22:53
Thans for you help i fix it

- 8th February 2005, 00:40
Great to know that jetpr!