View Full Version : Praise for the Forum

- 13th October 2009, 21:25
Hi all,

This is just a note to encourage those that are struggling to get their arms around PBP and the whole world of PIC's....

I have been banging my head at some form of this for more years than I am willing to admit. I'm still trying to figure out a way to use my obsolete UV eraser for whitening my teeth :-) .

A little while ago, I was on the phone with meLabs and we were discussing some things that would make the learning curve a bit less steep. Hopefully they will be able to find the time to implement some of the ideas that they are pondering, I look forward to it. They recognize the absolute necessity of this list and the quality of the people on it. Thank you all. Even those that have asked the simple questions, it has allowed the rest of us to benefit from them.

Anyway, the point of this rant.... A few years ago, I had paid someone (not on this list, AFAIK) $1000 to write some code that I needed and I had no idea how to accomplish it. PWM from an A/D reading on a 12F683. Last night, I accomplished the same thing in less than 3 hours without even referencing his code. Worked on the first burn too! Whoo Hoo!

I'm not ready to call myself a Programmer yet, but the help and insight that comes from the folks here is beyond what someone could pay for. Thank you to all that take the time and have the patience to stick with it.

/blubber mode off

- 14th October 2009, 03:01
I agree. There is a wealth of information from folks like DT, Melanie, Steve, mackrackit, dhouston, Acetronics and many more I cannot immediately recall. They are the bedrock of this forum and all praise to them for giving so selflessly. Their work encouraged me to 'put back into the system' my bit of knowledge whenever I can.

Darrel Taylor
- 15th October 2009, 02:01
I can't speak for the others, but the forum is my classroom too.

Not a day goes by that I don't learn something trying to solve interesting problems.

So I thank all the users for not reading the manual or datasheets, and coming up with all sorts of crazy problems to think about.

Keep up the good work. :D

- 15th October 2009, 04:26
I am not sure that I should be on your list but thank you. Means a lot coming from you.

And something like Darrel said... You learn by trying to help and or teach. So I am just a newbee trying to learn.

- 15th October 2009, 05:33
Hi all,
. . .
A few years ago, I had paid someone (not on this list, AFAIK) $1000 to write some code that I needed and I had no idea how to accomplish it. PWM from an A/D reading on a 12F683. Last night, I accomplished the same thing in less than 3 hours without even referencing his code. Worked on the first burn too! Whoo Hoo!
. . .
Good Job!, almost like making $333.33 per hour non taxable !

- 15th October 2009, 09:03
...like DT, Melanie, Steve, mackrackit, dhouston, Acetronics and many more I cannot immediately recall
Sometimes its the one post that brings out a quirky question, sometimes its the ability to go somewhere like Rentron and spend hours studying Bruce's code. They are both just as useful if it happens to make you a bit more capable and address the problem that you are facing.

Thanks again all who contribute,