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View Full Version : How to make your own PIC network

- 5th February 2005, 00:45
Hi everybody,

Since a few time, i see some request or some application that involve some kinda PIC networking. Here's a package which include schematic and code for The MASTER and SLAVEs.

Yep it's only one very simple example but can give a hand for some user who want to do something like this.

I've use PIC16F628 with SEROUT and SERIN2 statements.

WHY ? The reason is simple, many user ask about those statement or have some PIC without any internal USART like the Ralph's favorite PIC16F84. Sorry Ralph... ;)

The communication is made @ 2400 bauds.

Hope this can be handy for some people around here.

- 21st November 2009, 23:42
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to explore the PIC network and I got this error message...hope you can guide me..
Error[118] c:\pic_ne~1\master~1.asm 53: Overwriting previous address(2007)

thanks in advance,

- 22nd November 2009, 00:09

the above should tell you what to do.

- 22nd November 2009, 01:19
Thanks for the link mackrackit...:)