View Full Version : ICD use with MCS Plus, PBPro & PicKit2??

- 30th September 2009, 23:06
I code and compile my PBPro programs using MCS and then burn them to the target MCU using a PicKit2. This has proven to be an adequate development environment for me to develop programs for applications and target them to the 16F690 on the PicKit2, but I sometimes find myself wishing for an in-circuit-debugger to be able to see registers and step through basic statements while running. I have considered purchasing the MCS PLUS to get ICD capability and the increased number of ICD models, but can't get Mecanique to answer my email question as to whether MCS PLUS ICD supports 16F690. Charles L at meLabs says it does, but the MCS PLUS web site doesn't. Does anyone know???
Also, has anyone had any success in using MCS PLUS ICD with PBPRO and PicKit2? Or does anyone recommend a different configuration to in-circuit debug PBPro programs?