View Full Version : PIC16 + sim cards

- 13th September 2009, 02:57
i have proberbly 20 old sim cards say in a tub not being used...
I have found the pinouts of the sim card, but the question is how do they work data wise?
Acording to the pinouts their one pin for data in and out... but what it doesn't say is wether this is I2C, SPI, 1wire, etc...

Anyone know how the sims work and if it's possible to treat a sim like a serial eeprom?


- 13th September 2009, 07:53
My understanding is that mobile phones use I2C and here is a data sheet



- 13th September 2009, 09:57
My understanding is that mobile phones use I2C and here is a data sheet


I2C bus is between SIM controller IC (and levelshifter) and system IC. There is a different interface between controller IC and SIM card.
It might be easier to use these available interface IC's instead of building your own to PIC. IMHO

ISO/IEC 7816-3 (http://space.ednchina.com/upload/2008/8/16/4a419cb3-626a-4ec6-8d37-78abbf9de422.pdf) defines "Electrical interface and transmission protocols" for smartcards.


- 14th September 2009, 01:03
The thaught was, if i can directly interface then i might have a use for them to store telemetry data etc...

But if i need to buy extra componants then it's proberbly not worth it...


- 15th September 2009, 16:34
I never said anything was easy so in order to help I have taken my mobile to pieces. Do not expect me to call any time soon:). The chips in the area of the sim card are all incredibly small so unless you are young have good eyesight and a microscope and steady hand then may be it is not that easy. For me it will be impossible as I am old wear glasses do not have a microscope and my hands shake.
