View Full Version : pic to picaxe communication

- 13th August 2009, 04:48
I have a project that was originally designed using two picaxe chips. The picaxe 08M communicated with a picaxe 28X1 using serout from the 08M and serin for the 28X1. I am trying to substitute a 12F683 for the 08M. However, I can't seem to get it communicating. I assumed I could use the serout command within PicBasic Pro for the 12F683. Both chips are running at the same speed and using the same baud rate.

Has anyone ever done this?

- 13th August 2009, 09:25

I translated a twin Picaxe 08 to 2 x 683, but without serial comms. no big headache ...

Except reading carefully the Picaxe manual : timing of PbP and Picaxe sometimes is different ... an there's no DEFINE OSC XX in the Picaxe !!!

so you must correct yourself those little differences ...
