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View Full Version : I2C with 10 bit addressing

Charles Linquis
- 15th July 2009, 15:22
If hardware I2C in PBP wasn't tough enough already, I need to write a master/slave routine that can handle 10-bit addresses. Has anyone in this group accomplished this?

Charles Linquis
- 15th July 2009, 15:29
And I should add that the receive side (at least) must be interrupt-driven and run in an 18F part.

- 15th July 2009, 18:36
I have not tried this, just a thought...

Would it work to set the address up as WORD size and and pull out the bits you need as an array and send those parts? Probably not... the expression thing would be a problem???

Charles Linquis
- 16th July 2009, 02:40
uChip talks about 10 bit addresses in the 18F8722 datasheet. Time to roll up my sleeves and try to make it work.

- 24th August 2009, 19:49
Any luck so far? I'm going to have to tackle this someday too...

Charles Linquis
- 25th August 2009, 00:13
Not yet - right now, I'm cheating, I solved the problem temporarily by hiring a guy to write a 10-bit master/slave port in an Altera chip. That chip is driven by an ARM9 processor running Linux.

Are you doing IPMI stuff?