View Full Version : Interrupt Quick Question

- 25th January 2005, 02:01
Does an on interupt statement actualy check for an interrupt after every line of code executed or only when It is written in the program. I would assume that it is after every line of code, or is it totaly independent of the code execution untill an interrupt is flagged. Confussing question sorry.

- 25th January 2005, 03:41
it will check each and every time an statement is finish.

- 25th January 2005, 03:55
Thanks Steve

Darrel Taylor
- 25th January 2005, 05:51
And, of course,

If you don't want it to check for an interrupt after every line, you can wrap any section of the code with a DISABLE / ENABLE combination.

This allows it to work more like...

or only when It is written in the programDarrel