View Full Version : PIC12F675 problem with port 5

- 4th June 2009, 13:43
I have teh following problem:

PIC12F675 on GPIO 5 I have a buzzer that runs on 5V 11mA.
When I connect it to the Microcontroller and High GPIO5 the Buzzer won't give a the right sound. It makes a little sound. When i connect it directly to the 5 Volt it give the right sound.

It looks like the PIC can't drive the current thats needed. When I take a look at the datasheet it says GPIO can drive 25mA.

This is the code I use

@ DEVICE pic12F675, INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT ; System Clock Options
@ DEVICE pic12F675, WDT_ON ; Watchdog Timer
@ DEVICE pic12F675, PWRT_ON ; Power-On Timer
@ DEVICE pic12F675, MCLR_OFF ; Master Clear Options (Internal)
@ DEVICE pic12F675, BOD_ON ; Brown-Out Detect
@ DEVICE pic12F675, CPD_OFF ; Data Memory Code Protect

cmcon = 7 ' Comparator OFF

TRISIO = %00000 ' Set all I/O's to outputs

Buzzer VAR GPIO.5 'Lade schakelaar

Buzzer = 1

mat janssen
- 4th June 2009, 17:25
ansel = 0 !!

- 5th June 2009, 01:23
I hope that's NOT the code you are using!!!!

What does the PIC do AFTER it executes Buzzer=1 ?

You must NEVER have the processor just run off the end of your program, because what it does thereafter is unpredictable.

If you're just testing your Buzzer, do something like...

Pause 1000
Pause 1000
Goto Loop


Never just end your program... because there is no guarantee that the last thing you told your program to do is the last thing that happens. There's all kind of free and available memory locations in Program Codespace that could be executed that you don't know about. There's no guarantee that your unused memory is blank, or that your programmer erased it. So be safe and always terminate your program in some kind of loop... even if its just...

Goto Loop


Oh, and I don't think ANSEL affects GPIO.5.

Finally, if your Buzzer still doesn't work after the above, you might need a driver Transistor if the current requirement is too high. Beware, some Buzzers are kinda nasty, and produce a back-emf which could kill a PIC's I/O.