View Full Version : lcd display help

- 3rd June 2009, 17:32

every one.plz help me to display lcd wiyh pic16f84. send me code in assemble language wiyh detail.:p

- 7th June 2009, 15:09
every one.plz help me to display lcd wiyh pic16f84. send me code in assemble language wiyh detail.:p
This is a forum for a basic programming language PicBasic that is used instead of assembly. So, your question is kind of like going to Ferrari mechanic, and asking him what part you need to fix your VW Bug.

But since we are so helpful and friendly, and have access to google, here is a link to get you started.


They have a dummy terminal example specifically for the processor you mention. Microchip has a forum that is specifically for Pic assembly, so any nuts and bolts questions of assembly is probably best handled by people that use .... assembly, and not people that buy PicBasic so they do not have to use assembly.