View Full Version : who knows how to let LCD03 work with 18F2520?

- 23rd May 2008, 11:07
who knows how to let LCD03 work with 18F2520?

I find the example of LCD03 with 16F877, but do not know how to Change it for 18f2520.
Is there anyone who knows how to work with them.

I tried to find PICbasic example, but did not find.

Thanks very much if you can help.

- 23rd May 2008, 11:16
who knows how to let LCD03 work with 18F2520?

I find the example of LCD03 with 16F877, but do not know how to Change it for 18f2520.
Is there anyone who knows how to work with them.

I tried to find PICbasic example, but did not find.

Thanks very much if you can help.

------------------------I FORGET THE CODE----------
// PIC16F877 - LCD03 example
// Written using HITECH PIC16 compiler
// This code is Freeware - Use it for any purpose you like.

#include <pic.h>
#include <stdio.h>


void clrscn(void); // prototypes
void cursor(char pos);
void print(char *p);
void setup(void);

char s[21]; // buffer used to hold text to print

void main(void)
setup(); // sets up the PIC16F877 I2C port
clrscn(); // clears the LCD03 disply
cursor(26); // sets cursor to center the text on 2nd row of LCD03
sprintf(s,"Hello World"); // Traditional welcome text, printed into our buffer
print(s); // send it to the LCD03

while(1); // just stops

void clrscn(void)
SEN = 1; // send start bit
while(SEN); // and wait for it to clear

SSPIF = 0;
SSPBUF = 0xc6; // LCD02 I2C address
while(!SSPIF); // wait for interrupt
SSPIF = 0; // then clear it.

SSPBUF = 0; // address of register to write to
while(!SSPIF); //
SSPIF = 0; //

SSPBUF = 12; // clear screen
while(!SSPIF); //
SSPIF = 0; //

SSPBUF = 4; // cursor off
while(!SSPIF); //
SSPIF = 0; //

PEN = 1; // send stop bit
while(PEN); //

void cursor(char pos)
SEN = 1; // send start bit
while(SEN); // and wait for it to clear

SSPIF = 0;
SSPBUF = 0xc6; // LCD02 I2C address
while(!SSPIF); // wait for interrupt
SSPIF = 0; // then clear it.

SSPBUF = 0; // address of register to write to
while(!SSPIF); //
SSPIF = 0; //

SSPBUF = 2; // set cursor
while(!SSPIF); //
SSPIF = 0; //
SSPBUF = pos; //
while(!SSPIF); //
SSPIF = 0; //

PEN = 1; // send stop bit
while(PEN); //

void print(char *p)
SEN = 1; // send start bit
while(SEN); // and wait for it to clear

SSPIF = 0;
SSPBUF = 0xc6; // LCD02 I2C address
while(!SSPIF); // wait for interrupt
SSPIF = 0; // then clear it.

SSPBUF = 0; // address of register to write to
while(!SSPIF); //
SSPIF = 0; //

while(*p) {
SSPBUF = *p++; // write the data
while(!SSPIF); //
SSPIF = 0; //

PEN = 1; // send stop bit
while(PEN); //

void setup(void)
unsigned long x;

TRISC = 0xff;
PORTC = 0xff;

SSPSTAT = 0x80;
SSPCON = 0x38;
SSPCON2 = 0x00;
SSPADD = 10; // SCL = 91khz with 4Mhz Osc

for(x=0; x<60000; x++); // wait for LCD03 to initialise


- 23rd May 2008, 12:47
Hi, Janine

did you notice it's a PicBASIC Forum here .... ???

NOT a "C "Forum

sorry and have a nice Afternoon ...


- 23rd May 2008, 14:24
I am just wondering if there are some one know how to change c code to picbasic.

Or if some one can help me to write PICBASIC code for LCD03

I also use BASIC.