View Full Version : learn robot to save movements

- 12th May 2009, 21:56
Hi all,
I build a robot to control its movements forward, reverse, to right and to left manually using push buttons, but I have constant path every time I move the robot through it, so I want another button to beging to record movements then stop recording, after that I have another push button when I pressed it's recall the recorded path again. so how I can programm it ?? need help ?

- 14th May 2009, 17:37
You could use one of Darrel Taylor's timers to keep track of how much time was spent traveling after each direction command. These direction commands and time values could be stored in eeprom, or an external eeprom, if you needed more space. Since your robot's motors could be slower when the batteries voltage drops, it would probably be better to keep track of distance. But then you would need an odometer of sorts on one of your wheels. You could use a button to start and stop this recording, and a button to start following the stored route.

- 15th May 2009, 12:13
oky thank you for your reply but if you have any projects ready to know its idea and learn something from it.

- 15th May 2009, 12:30
Hi, Iugmoh

What you ask here is something involving lots of money in the industrial world of robot machine tools ...

I had been looking to that subject 15 Years ago for foundry parts sanding and finishing ... many papers were describing What to do ... but none HOW to do it !!!

Just a link to the project developing societies ...

Now, without knowing what you really have in mind ... how could you hope to get a "ready to cook" solution ???

The "Hard" way would be to record positions ( or commands ) at regular time intervals ... not the most clever way, but allowing quite all kinds of movements !

Now, between the programmed route and the actual route there can be miles ... so, there's some absolute positionning interesting matter here !!!


- 15th May 2009, 15:59
I've never done this with a PIC, but I have with an 8051 type. I wrote an article back in
1998 for Circuit Cellar for a small robot. You use push-button switches to program the
robots course and time to proceed in each direction, pause times, etc. It's a lot easier
than it sounds. Even on an old dinosaur 8749 controller...;o}

There's a link to the assembler source code on this page;

You'll need to know assembler to convert it, but it does what you're looking for.