View Full Version : 11lc160 1 wire eeprom

- 11th May 2009, 23:44
11LC160 1 wire eeprom
Has anyone used one of these successfully ?
Looks as if it's not going to use OWIN/OWOUT, maybe pulseout.

- 11th May 2009, 23:59
Done it awhile back, but rolled my own routine, not sure for which model though as I lost it (oh long story here).

Did you checked AN1174 from Microchip and their code?

Do you have them on hand?

- 12th May 2009, 01:45
Hi Steve,
Yeah, I got 2 samples a while back, I saw some of what's in the apnote when I ordered them but have only seen the data sheet since, the AN1174 has more useful stuff than the data sheet, useful if I were a savy assembly programmer that is. I will fumble around with what they got in there. It looks like you can chain up a bunch of them and access individually.

- 12th May 2009, 11:44
You shouldn't have so much problem doing the code in PBP. It's all there, for once they made a really complete AppNote.

If you have a PICKIT 2, you could program/read them to confirm your code work as suppose to... not to mention the logic analyser ;)