View Full Version : Interface a pic with a Iphone/Itouch

- 6th May 2009, 15:52
I was curious if anyone here has attempted to interface the iphone or itocuh with a pic. I found that the 30 pin connector used by the device has a TX/RX uart along with usb. I would like to make an application that uses the iphone as a really high end interface instead of an LCD and push buttons. the only sites I've found through google require jailbreaking the device to get access to the hardware. I signed up for the apple SDK, but haven't been approved yet. If anyone has had any success with this, with or without jailbreaking I'd live some tips before I go out and start buying hardware and paying for the SDK. I hope to use the TX/RX, but if I have to finally start a USB pic project I guess this isn't a bad project to do it on.


- 6th May 2009, 16:02
If it exist, someone did it ;)