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View Full Version : Post Editing Gone away ???

- 6th April 2009, 09:19

Till some days, I' ve noted I couldn't EDIT my posts anymore ...

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I'm regularly logged , so what happend ???


- 6th April 2009, 13:59
yep I just found out too, was going to edit my last post but NO EDIT

- 8th April 2009, 14:32
The edit function has been removed without any warning. Is it possible to know the reasons? Since it is rather usefull, could you please restore it?


- 8th April 2009, 20:06
The edit function has been removed without any warning. Is it possible to know the reasons? Since it is rather usefull, could you please restore it?


If there is a vote, count me in for edits too.

- 8th April 2009, 20:13
I think it could be caused by a recent VBulletin upgrade or server maintenance, probably few settings have returned to default... or something like that.

- 11th April 2009, 16:08
Bit of a dilema here...

We used to have a system which permitted editing for a short while after posting... this was great, but it looks like this feature has either been replaced or has been moved somewhere else and I've not come across it yet.

If I enable editing, then I run the risk of someone sometime getting the hump with the forum and editing out all their contributions (which could be quite valuable) from the day they joined - which would be a loss generally to the whole community - as well as leaving threads with irritating blanks in the middle.

So sit tight until we figure a way around this. If I start messing with forum permissions, I run the risk of getting caned by Lester (an interesting proposition) but I'm more comfortable as a Dom rather than a sub - if you get my drift...

- 14th April 2009, 08:47
Bit of a dilema here...

If I enable editing, then I run the risk of someone sometime getting the hump with the forum and editing out all their contributions (which could be quite valuable) from the day they joined - which would be a loss generally to the whole community - as well as leaving threads with irritating blanks in the middle.


Hi, Mel

Thanks for the reply.

Here, in France, we have a LAW that tell I must always be able to modify,correct or even delete all data ( personnal or not ) I have placed on the Web ...

So, from the strict point of view of the law ... I must be able to rub every contribution to any Forum ... as well as my membership.

So ... I do not know for other countries laws, but It looks **free** editing is a compulsory feature ...


- 14th April 2009, 09:24
Providing your server is hosted on French administered territorry, then of course French Law must be complied with.