View Full Version : Clear Second Line On LCD

- 27th March 2009, 14:20
How do I clear just the second line of a 2x16 LCD?

- 27th March 2009, 14:38
One way would be to blank it.

LCDOUT $FE, $C0, " "

other fun codes:

$FE, 1
Clear display

$FE, 2
Return home (beginning of first line)

$FE, $0C
Cursor off

$FE, $0E
Underline cursor on

$FE, $0F
Blinking cursor on

$FE, $10
Move cursor left one position

$FE, $14
Move cursor right one position

$FE, $C0
Move cursor to beginning of second line

$FE, $94
Move cursor to beginning of third line

$FE, $D4
Move cursor to beginning of fourth line

- 27th March 2009, 17:30
Just blanking it worked fine. Was thinking way to hard about that!! Thanks

- 28th March 2009, 09:18
You should also be able to use REP modifier in LCDOUT... REP " "\16