View Full Version : Blinking an led problem on P16F84

- 20th March 2009, 04:10
I am working on P16F84. I want to blink an led. I have a problem.

1. After having all the connection,the voltage at the output port of P16F84 is 0.5V and when the led is connected, the voltage drops to 0V. I am confusing that why the voltage drops even the voltage supplied at the VDD is 5V and MCLR pin is connected to 5V.

- 20th March 2009, 05:00
Most likely you forgot to initialize the TRIS registers and the ports are in a high impedance mode. Put this into your code and post your code if it still does not work.

TRISA = %00000000 ' make all ports outputs
TRISB = %00000000 ' make all ports outputs

I did that myself last week :D