View Full Version : welding

- 12th March 2009, 22:52

A friend of mine has two welders, a tig and a mig and wants to connect both grounds permanently to the welding table. Can anyone see any problems with this? Should these welders be isolated, possibly with a large diode?


- 13th March 2009, 01:41
No problems. The machines are isolated with their transformers.

- 13th March 2009, 02:06
No problems. The machines are isolated with their transformers. And diodes would only allow 1 polarity welding, and you need to switch that, besides you usually weld aluminum with A/C.

- 14th March 2009, 05:27
No problems. The machines are isolated with their transformers.
Hi mackrackit,
The tig machine as far as I know dosn't have any transformers but I'm sure that the electronic circuitry that mimics the windings of a transformer must have some kind of isolation.

And diodes would only allow 1 polarity welding, and you need to switch that, besides you usually weld aluminum with A/C.
Yea I think your right about the diodes too Joe but I thought I'd ask a dumb question because I wasn't positive, better to be safe than sorry.


- 14th March 2009, 06:27
Yea I think your right about the diodes too Joe but I thought I'd ask a dumb question because I wasn't positive, better to be safe than sorry.

Dumb questions, are the questions people don't ask. You just keep on askin' questions Jessey, you won't be the only one who learns from them.