View Full Version : Printed circuit board supplier recommendations

- 5th March 2009, 03:57
This isn't completely off topic as I will be using PICs programmed with PBP in the PCB's.

Can anyone recommend a supplier of double sided PCB's ? (etched that is) I have a complete board design done in Eagle and have milled a couple based on this design just to "proof" the design. The boards are approx. 1-1/4" in diameter.

Also, since I hope and expect to eventually need thousands of them, I will need them to be "auto populated" too. I have contacted 3 Chinese firms and they all responded very promptly with what I consider very good prices for the boards. I contacted one firm in California and they took 3 weeks to get back to me and the pricing was extremely high.

If anyone of you with experience could give me a little advice on this it will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


- 5th March 2009, 05:40
i am also curious in this as well.

- 5th March 2009, 07:46
I can vouch for the quality of work done by www.shogini.com here in India.

But they take at least 3-4 weeks for double sided pth boards; to be fair to them, that could be as my quantity is usually very small.

They do have a RFQ page you could try.



- 5th March 2009, 13:43

I'm also looking for an inexpensive PCB board fabricator. I have tried a few manufacturers here in the US but they charge too much.

- 5th March 2009, 15:04
I can't go past FUTURLEC for my boards. I believe they are now also offering a loading service but I haven't used this as yet.


- 6th March 2009, 15:06
Boy, this is a timely topic!

I have been struggling with the same thing. I have used Expresspcb http://www.expresspcb.com/ to get my boards made for ever. The CAD is simple, and the price has been acceptable for proto boards. Now I'm moving up to the point where proto boards aren't going to cut it. When you talk to someone that really does this every day, they think you're a bit simple. I have spent the past few weeks learning Eagle http://www.cadsoft.de/info.htm so that I can at least have all the data for a manufacturing bid. A bit of a bugger to build a new library, but I'm starting to to get better at it.
Now, as this whole now world opens up, what do I do with all this new found freedom? I have had people suggest overseas manufacture, but they were acting as agents and were reluctant to freely give up their experience. I understand, but I'm not yet able to hire their knowledge.
I'd love to hear someone chime in on this subject.


- 6th March 2009, 17:19

Seams pretty cheap to me! But i haven't tried them by my self.

- 7th March 2009, 01:02

I've used the first two. Quality and prices are excellent. I haven't used the third one yet but they appear to be competitive. The latter two also do assembly at quite reasonable rates.

For design, http://www.abacom-online.de/uk/html/sprint-layout.html is inexpensive but full featured and very easy to use.

I've also been quite happy with http://www.quickstencil.com/prototype-stencil-kit.aspx

- 7th March 2009, 02:11
That's the sort of recommendations I was hoping to get ! Thanks everyone for all the information, I'll start making contacts.

Best regards !

- 14th March 2009, 04:36
Hi Sam et all,

I produce bare boards and do part placement. Shoot me a pm or email and I can quote you for your requirements.

[email protected]

- 15th April 2009, 14:38
Hello everyone...

Anybody can help me for chemical formula for making positive photoresist ? cause here in my country no positive 20 i have success with toner transfer but i am curious i wanna make it with positive film....