View Full Version : Thank You!

- 1st March 2009, 12:08
As I'm piddling about trying to learn all this with some ideas in mind, I keep thinking I must remember to thank all the people from here for all the help I've gotten. sure, you may not have answered a question from me directly, but your posts have answered sooooooooooo very many questions before I ever had the chance to ask!

Melanie, Darrel, Trent, Bruce, Joe S., Steve, Russ, omg, this list would take up many pages if I really tried to type it out.. so if ya posted, I've probably read it and learned something, so thank you..

and, to Darrel, sorry for mangling your code so badly. lol (you never saw the result, but wow what a mess I made. :)

INT_CODE ;if greater than 2k code_size pbp uato saves
;wsave,ssave,and psave (W,Status,PcLatH)
if (CODE_SIZE <= 2) ; contradictory - Only with PBP! if pure assembly,
; we ALWAYS need to save these values.
; as I don't do assembly yet, not an issue lol
movwf wsave ; copy W to wsave register
swapf STATUS,W ; swap status reg to be saved into W
clrf STATUS ; change to bank 0 regardless of current bank
movwf ssave ; save status reg to a bank 0 register
movf PCLATH,w ; move PCLATH reg to be saved into W reg
movwf psave ; save PCLATH reg to a bank 0 register

btfss PIR1, TMR1IF ; is TMR1IF set? "Bit Test Flag? Skip if Set"
GOTO NoTimer ; No, exit interrupt

bcf T1CON,TMR1ON ; Turn off timer
;do i need bank change here? NO, intcon AND T1CON are bank0!
bcf INTCON, 6 ; disable Peripheral interrupts
bcf INTCON, 7 ; disable Global interrupts

MOVF _led1data,W
call bin2seg
bsf _led1digit
call dly7seg
bcf _led1digit

movf _led2data,W
call bin2seg
movwf PORTD
bsf _led2digit
call dly7seg
bcf _led2digit

movf _led3data,W
call bin2seg
movwf PORTD
bsf _led3digit
call dly7seg
bcf _led3digit

bcf PIR1, TMR1IF ; Clear Timer1 Interrupt Flag PIR1 is bank0

; DT must have been counting cycles as it WAS critical
; for sspwm!!!! now I think I know where the +8 comes from
; in his on_val/off_val calculations
MOVF _TMR1_VAL,W ; 1 ;blatantly stolen from DT's SSPWM (less than Vague understanding)
ADDWF TMR1L,F ; 1 ; reload timer with correct value
BTFSC STATUS,C ; 1/2 ;Say wha? i'm lost here
;ok, if byte less than 255, no carry so skip
INCF TMR1H,F ; 1 ;was a carry so add 1 to high reg?
MOVF _TMR1_VAL+1,W ; 1 ;I have no idea what how why!?
ADDWF TMR1H,F ; 1 ;lowbyte/high byte? but how is shifting done?
bsf T1CON,TMR1ON ; 1 ; Turn it back on T1CON is bank0

;will need to understand how the --ll that works. Must ASK DT or pbp group
;seems fundamental to know how to load a timer duh
;maybe if I write it out it will become obvious,
;more than likely will stay as visible as air lol
;reload timer here? ;DONE, we want to be able to control LED refresh times
;restart timer here? ;DONE as part of timer reload

;do i need bank change here? NO, intcon is bank0
bsf INTCON, 6 ; Re-Enable Peripheral interrupts
bsf INTCON, 7 ; Re-Enable Global interrupts

movf psave,w ; Restore the PCLATH reg
movwf PCLATH
swapf ssave,w ; Restore the STATUS reg
movwf STATUS
swapf wsave,f
swapf wsave,w ; 6/34 ; Restore W reg

Retfie ; Exit the interrupt routine

probably cant even remember where that's from is so twisted lol.. (and broken now, been scrapped and redone)

for something lighter?

if presetbutton=1 then
while presetbutton=0
pause 50
if pretemp=1 then
lcdout $fe,1,"Preset"
if pretemp=200 then
lcdout $fe,$c0,"Stored"
if pretemp=1000 then
lcdout $fe,1,"LEGGO MY BUTTON!"
if pretemp=5000 then
lcdout $FE,1, "SELF DESTRUCT"
lcdout $fe,$c0," ACTIVATED! "
pause 500
LCDOUT $fe,$c0," "
for dummy=5 to 0 step -1
lcdout $fe,$c0,#dummy
pause 700
next dummy
lcdout $FE,1,"Melanie says:"
lcdout $FE,$C0,"Drink More Beer!"
'must thank Melanie for button routine examples, made it easy to figure out.
TMR1ON = 0 'turn off display timer ie, no interrupt!
@ sleep ;ni ni, gotta turn off then back on. I so mean!
if pretemp>199 then
write 1,y
read 1,y
gosub setch 'set output, get display info
lcdout $fe,1,"Preset"
lcdout $fe,$c0,"loaded"
pause 1000
gosub display2 'refresh display with appropriate new info

lol, did that for a friends transciever. :P

and yes, you got a mini peek of me talking to myself in the notes. :P

- 1st March 2009, 20:43
Hi nomad,
First of all, What an honor that you included me in the lofty company you mentioned, I am not sure it is deserved as I am a beginner too, I would like to Thank You and everyone else who has the courage to post their code, and ask for help, as it provides me an opportunity to fiddle with it and try to sort it out, enabling me to learn too. That's why I am here, that and it is a chance to give back, for what I have received.

- 1st March 2009, 21:22
Ahhh yes, a chance to join in on a BIG THANKS to all here who contribute their time and talent so everyone else can learn.

- 2nd March 2009, 03:16
lol, Joe, as Dora the explorer says "backpack backpack".... that one project searching for your holy grail, erm the serial backpack.. Learned TONS from figuring out how why that was all done, and how to change it up for what I needed on whatever pic I needed it on.

Can you tell I have kids? :P

- 2nd March 2009, 20:26
I, too, am VERY thankful for this website and the great Gurus that are so willing to help us all! I know I haven't posted in a while, but I have been here in the background searching for the answers to the questions and problems I've encountered lately. School and homework have kept me so busy that I don't have enough time to work on my projects everyday, but I can rest assured knowing that I'll be able to find the help I need to complete them (whenever I can get around to it) on this site...

Thanks for all the help, guys!