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View Full Version : Ic2 to usb ??

- 26th February 2009, 21:05
We have a system using 7 16f pics,
I have several I/O ports extra,
Could anyone direct us to an answer to
integrate a USB Memory stick to record
data that has occurred?
I have searched the forum, with no avail...
Outputing the data is not a problem.
Is I2C the answer? Not sure.
Could Someone PLEASE direct me to a link
or subject to search for in the forum.
I.E. Output data from a pic16f8xx to a USB
memory stick to be exported to a windows
pc spreadsheet "Excel or Word" for future



- 27th February 2009, 18:25
You may wish to consider the VDIP made by Vinculum. Several configurations. Lots of posts on this forum and Google as well.

Here is a link to a kit that may help: http://www.compsys1.com/html/usb_host_kit.html

- 1st March 2009, 10:44
This module could help.



- 2nd March 2009, 23:59
Is I2C the answer? Not sure.

I2C is used for storing data to an external eeprom (24xx256, 512 and the like). These chips have memory 32K, 64K etc.

Not sure how much data you need to record, and how often, but you could use a bunch of these in theory up to eight per pic so that would give you heaps of data storage. You could store the data as comma delimited and use your programmer (icprog??) to read back the data and save in a text file. Excel can open comma delimited files.

You're not able to use I2C with usb. In fact those 16F chips are no good for usb anyway. 18F are the way to go, but they have a steeper learning curve (esp when it comes to config fuse settings).

I played around a little with memory keys and 18Fxxx ages ago but lost interest.


- 3rd March 2009, 19:13
Thanks Squib...
I all way's wait but thought we were alone...
thanks for the insight... loosing interest myself...
We will discuss the out come and I will post our answer to the problem...
The 16f has always worked well for us with all of "old time" functions...
But building a useful interface with a 16f and an SD module seems interesting... and useful...
I will advise as to our final design for all to enjoy....

I would like to THANK all who have contributed to this thread...