View Full Version : [212] extra tokens error 12F629

- 4th January 2005, 03:11
I'm trying to create a "lite" version of software originally written for a 16F628A and use it with a 12F629. Using MicroCode Studio, I'm encountering an error that appears to have little documentation:

Assembler error: [212] extra tokens on end of line

The line in question is a simple "END SELECT" statement.

Can anyone shed light on this error?



- 4th January 2005, 12:34
Will be hard to have the great answer since we don't see your code BUT

1. is your SELECT CASE refer to i/o pins ? Be sure you use GPIO instead of PORTx
2. about TRIS .... TRISIO instead of TRISx..

and such ... be sure you're using the right Register, Port name for the according PIC.

- 5th January 2005, 03:56
Thanks Steve,

I had an "@" directive at the head of my code that seemed to mess things up. I commented it out and the error went away.