View Full Version : Replacing pic16f627a from a 16f84(a)

- 21st February 2009, 22:17
Just out of curiosity, can I use the 627a instead of the 84(a) and keep the programming the same? I am using picBasic pro compiler. Secondly, if I don't use xtal, does the 627a automatically uses it's intrc if i make this selection on epicwin....if not what is the code to tell the 627a to use intrc for both picBasic and picBasic Pro.

Thank you

- 22nd February 2009, 02:35
Yes, but 627A, 628A, 648A (all use same data sheet ) has Comparators, whereas the F84 does not. So add CMCON = 7 to disable them. Please look at this thread: http://www.picbasic.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=561,
Now as far as using Internal Osc, read this thread: