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View Full Version : 16F914 and LCD interrupt bit (LCDIE)

- 8th February 2009, 01:35
App=Countdown using a "dumb" LCD

I'm trying to use SLEEP between the counts...and in order to do that i have to:

-enable all unmasked peripheral interrupts (PEIE bit)

-enable LCD interrupts (LCDIE bit)
PIE2.4 = 1

-enable the LCD in SLEEP mode (SLPEN bit)
LCDCON.6 = 0

Even whitout the SLEEP function (inside the FOR...NEXT countdown cycle), i coudn`t see the interrupt on the PIR2.4 register (LCDIF bit)

Any ideea?

Best regards,

- 8th February 2009, 16:51
I believe the LCD interrupt only applies when using a multiplexed type LCD. If you are using a "static-mode" LCD, Darrel Taylor's Instant Interrupts should work nicely.

- 8th February 2009, 18:30
you are right...

"The interrupt is not generated when the Type-A waveform is selected and when the Type-B with no multiplex (static) is selected."

i was on Type -A and multiplex

thank you man