View Full Version : auto recloser ELCB

- 2nd February 2009, 18:06
hi guys...i need your help to find coding for my 18f4550 pic. my project is auto recloser ELCB. need to on or energized relay as switch when there has signal from sensor( i use coil as current sensor) it detect imbalance current from line and send signal to PIC. in some milisecond, PIC will energize relay to cut off line. then, in some second, it pic will on back relay so the line will on back.
thank you guy, im very appreciate it.

- 2nd February 2009, 19:06
Any schematic would help ;)

- 4th February 2009, 18:21
so, this my circuit, but without PIC circuit...hope u will help me..

- 4th February 2009, 18:46
I guess it would depend of your definition of "when there's a signal". You could even skip the PIC and use a voltage comparator (easy to modify your current circuit)... or use the PIC with a voltage comparator interrupt, OR use an ADC reading then process it with a Timer interrupt.

- 5th February 2009, 01:51
if i use voltage comparator, i can skip use PIC?...so, how can i make a timer or counter in voltage cmprator ? what kind of voltage comparator? can you give 1 example?

- 5th February 2009, 13:54
Depending the delay you need too... a simple 555, or whatever else monostable circuit, spring to mind. \

There's also another point of view... use a PIC with a voltage comparator (or op-amp) built-in.