View Full Version : Using input from Switch to control a loop

- 26th January 2009, 01:01
How can I get input from a switch, ON/OFF, and use that to either enter a loop or exit a loop?

- 26th January 2009, 04:33
Give this a try

switch var PortB.0

if switch = 1 then loop ' enter the loop
' do some thing here . . .
goto main

if switch = 0 then main ' exit the loop
. . . loop code does something . . .

goto loop

- 26th January 2009, 22:54
WHILE Switch=1
'put some code here

- 28th January 2009, 23:07
If I want switch to be linked to a pin, then how do I declare it before a loop to be an input?

Is this code done for the PICBASIC assembly or a version of BASIC as the name implies?

- 28th January 2009, 23:09
I did not see the first line, sorry, please disregard

- 29th January 2009, 23:30
Can someone read below, I was told to do this and I am still getting the errors below the code, What am I doing wrong still?

Thank you in advance.

code below:
switch var PortB.0


if switch =1 then loop 'enter loop
high PORTB.7 'enable pin
high PORTB.6
low PORTB.5

high PORTB.4
low PORTB.3
high PORTB.2 'enable pin

goto main

if switch=0 then main 'exit the loop
high PORTB.7 'enable pin
low PORTB.6 'stop this side
low PORTB.5

low PORTB.4 'reverse this side
high PORTB.3
high PORTB.2 'enable pin
goto loop

errors recieved below:

ERROR Line 13: ':' or '=' Expected (Token 'var') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 13: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 17: Variable Expected (Token 'switch') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 19: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORTB') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 19: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 20: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORTB') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 20: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 21: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORTB') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 21: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 23: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORTB') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 23: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 24: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORTB') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 24: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 25: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORTB') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 25: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 30: Variable Expected (Token 'switch') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 32: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORTB') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 32: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 33: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORTB') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 33: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 34: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORTB') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 34: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 36: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORTB') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 36: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 37: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORTB') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 37: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 38: Variable or Constant Expected (Token 'PORTB') (Loop test2.pbc)
ERROR Line 38: Illegal Character '.' (Loop test2.pbc)


- 29th January 2009, 23:35
:eek: By seeing the .pbc extension, I'm I right by saying you have PBC not PBP?

If so... well.. both are WAY different... PBC don't allow direct addressing to a byte/register bit, and so forth for many other command as well.

Who have PBC here?

- 30th January 2009, 00:05
try this

symbol TRISB=$86
POKE TRISB,1 ' PORTB.0 = input, other = output
POKE PORTB,0 ' Clear all output

if BIT0 =1 then goto loop 'enter loop
high 7 'enable pin
high 6
low 5

high 4
low 3
high 2 'enable pin

goto main

if BIT0=0 then GOTO main 'exit the loop
high 7 'enable pin
low 6 'stop this side
low 5

low 4 'reverse this side
high 3
high 2 'enable pin
goto loop

Finger crossed, I don't have PBC

- 2nd February 2009, 04:47
What is the difference of PBC?

How can I get what you have?

- 2nd February 2009, 05:02
here's comparision between PBC (PicBasic) and PBP (picBasic Pro)

Depending where you're living, you can purchase it from the following one

You can also download a limited demo version of PBP.