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View Full Version : Help with 16F873 "Out of Memory" problem.

- 27th December 2004, 18:33
Hi all,
Having an odd problem with a 16F873. I'm working on a program, compiling sections as they are finished to check for mistakes.
I compiled the program and got the usual [102] warning about the page boundary, with 2610 words used.

Then I added a single instruction, and I get a "FATAL ERROR: Out of Memory" message!

This is a 4K device, so there is lots of room left. I tried putting all the variables in 'bank0' - but that didn't help. Subroutines are all up at the top of the code.

Any ideas??

Here are the messages from PM...

C:\PBP>pbp -p16f873 zglcd8-1.bas
PicBasic Pro Compiler 2.44, (c) 1998, 2003 microEngineering Labs, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
PM Assembler 4.06, Copyright (c) 1995, 2003 microEngineering Labs, Inc.
Warn C:\PBP\ZGLCD8-1.ASM 1157 : [102] Code Crosses Boundary @ 800h
2613 words used.


C:\PBP>pbp -p16f873 zglcd8-1.bas
PicBasic Pro Compiler 2.44, (c) 1998, 2003 microEngineering Labs, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

FATAL ERROR: Out of Memory.


- 27th December 2004, 18:43
Duuuhhh... RTFM!!

For anyone else with the same problem - use "pbpw" in a DOS shell.

Wish they had made that a bit more obvious in the manual!!


- 29th December 2004, 14:48
Did that one myself!

- 29th December 2004, 15:46
Hello Arch!

Arch>>Duuuhhh... RTFM!!

For anyone else with the same problem - use "pbpw" in a DOS shell.<<

<chuckle>... I remember doing that one myself when I first started. <g> Thats what makes things interesting...


- 29th December 2004, 16:38
what about if you use MPASM instead... i've never got this kind of problem here. Can you attach your code ?

and did you read this thread from Melanie?

- 31st December 2004, 20:01
Hey guys - good to know I'm not the only one! :-)

I had checked Melanie's post - that's how I finally got on the way to figuring it out (I read PM.txt - didn't even know it existed!)

I've had waaaay too many "[300]" errors :-(
