View Full Version : mcs prob

- 8th January 2009, 06:53
I'm not new to pics but have a problem
i got new PC when i installed mcs pbp and tried to compile a simple program i get error (source file read only.msg) i have all original software

for any asistance i would be for ever greatfull


- 8th January 2009, 07:19
New PC...
Maybe you moved the file you are working on from the old PC via CD?

Go to the directory where the file is located and check the properties, un-check the read only box.

- 8th January 2009, 08:06
the program i am trying to compile is one i created new simpily

high 5
pause 200
low 5
goto start

it use to work but now i cant get it to work
i can save as project but not compile

thanks again

from andrew

- 8th January 2009, 08:52
(source file read only.msg) all that it says?
Any other clues?

- 8th January 2009, 09:55
the only mesage i get is source file read only

i am running the same setup on another computer set up the same way runs fine

thanks andrew

ps i know i could use other pc but not the point should work on this pc same os same software

- 8th January 2009, 09:59
i have fixed problem i just included include 16f84a and it now compiles thanks for all your help
