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View Full Version : FREE 100 MHz OSCILLOSCOPE--NO JOKE!

- 16th December 2008, 04:19
I am overloaded with oscilloscopes and am ready to part with an old, trustworthy friend.

This is a 1978 model Philips PM3266. It is a dual-trace, 100 MHz scope.

It works. It is a "storage" scope, and the storage function is kind of fuzzy right now; I never use that function anyway. It is clean and in good physical condition.

Calibration is good.

The trace is a bit fuzzy until it warms up. This didn't bother me; my bench scope stays on all the time; I just turn the intensity down when I'm not using it. It would benefit by having some electrolytic capacitors replaced at your convenience.

It includes the original bilingual (English and German) instruction and service manual, including schematics. It includes a power cord.

Yes, there is a catch! You pay packing and shipping. It weighs 21 pounds and I'm in Omaha, Nebraska (zip code for shipping is 68104).

I'd rather give it away than throw it away!

If you have something to trade against the shipping, I'll consider it. I'm looking for a generic bench power supply for a friend. What else do you have?

- 16th December 2008, 04:25
Pity I'm in Australia!
You're a good sport for offering it up like that :)

- 18th December 2008, 05:37
Mr. Martin,

If this is still available, I would be extremely grateful if you would let me pay the packing and shipping charges and give you a bit extra for this. I still don't own my own oscilloscope, so this would definately be the best deal I've found-and just in time before I start my first Pre-Engineering classes!

- 24th December 2008, 09:32
lol was probably driving through omaha when it was posted even! oh well, my 10mhz scope will have to do for a bit longer. if you ever need something shipped to st louis let me know, and i'll swing the semi by your front door. grin.

- 24th December 2008, 22:17
lol was probably driving through omaha when it was posted even! oh well, my 10mhz scope will have to do for a bit longer. if you ever need something shipped to st louis let me know, and i'll swing the semi by your front door. grin.

That's the short haul between Brisbane and Omaha ;) , Keep the shiny side up and the rubber side down, keep her slick, well greased and in the middle of the road, . . . Merry Christmas, and Russ, Thank You for caring enough to offer your scope here, you could have eBayed it, that was a nice gesture.

- 6th January 2009, 07:23
The Philips scope was snapped up almost immediately.

Fear not. I'll be retiring another scope in the next two or three months.

If you're looking for a good scope deal, take a look at:


Tucked in among all the expensive items are some very good, affordable scopes. (You can do a lot with a 10 MHz, single-channel scope!)

And lots of other neat stuff!

No, I'm not affiliated with them in any way; just a very satisfied customer.