View Full Version : Image capture using a microcontroller

- 4th December 2008, 18:42
Morning! i'm making a school work related with image capture using a microcontroller.
This work is totally new for me, reason why i'm having some difficulties. It consists in the using of a digital camera with 640 x 480 pixels resolution (VGA), that reads 30 frames per second. The microcontroller PIC24f is connected with a SD card where the data is stored.
I ask if it is possible to record directly the data in the SD card or if it is necessary a memory RAM connected to the microcontroller and what type?
I really appreciate any clarification.

- 4th December 2008, 18:53
1. this is PBP and PBC forum.

2. This PIC24 series is not supported by the above compilers.

3. The project might be possible to work wth assembly code.

4. It is a little difficult anyways... Good luck!
