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View Full Version : how to interfacing USB ??

- 4th November 2008, 18:26
Hi ...

I wana to build a device (connected to USB) that enable's me to I/O data, and do that through a vb6 program.

which PIC is better to build that device.

plz help me to do that.

thanx alot.

- 4th November 2008, 18:30
At very least a USB capable of PIC ;)

18F2550, 18F4550 are the really first that spring to mind now.

Here's something for you.

- 4th November 2008, 20:57
Hi mister_e thank u for your help, but I want easyHID and mchid.dll.

thanx alot.

- 4th November 2008, 21:03
Easy way is to download the demo version of MicroCode Studio.

I have one of the first full version of Microcode studio (black CD), but it never gave me the EasyHID plugin after all update. Those having the Blue CD should have it.

In the past, we could donwload EasyHID as a standalone app... things changed since then...

- 5th November 2008, 06:39
so what is solution ? is there one or not ??

I want to use PIC 18F2550 to build this device.

- 5th November 2008, 08:57
That will work.

- 5th November 2008, 14:15
Do you have the full(paid) version of MicroCode Studio (blue CD)?

Case yes, you should already have it somewhere in your toolbar, unless, download the demo version of MicroCode Studio and you'll have it.