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  1. Math problem!
  2. frequency measurement
  3. Tmr1
  4. Audio D/A idea
  5. Remote control
  6. Interrupts using a 16F877
  7. 'Soft' On/Off Power Switch
  8. Sound Command with 12-bit MCU's
  9. Where to download AVR Basic Compiler?
  10. Modifying a variable?
  11. Switch Polling vs Interrupts
  12. are the any other picbasic forums?
  13. Anyone use Virtual Breadboard?
  14. need help on comparator
  15. where to get non-pdf data sheets
  16. New to PIC Programming
  17. SERIN timeout
  18. PIC Basic-L List ?
  19. Math for numbers > 65535?
  20. Temporary central repository of Darrel Taylor's works (including Mr E's Multicalc)
  21. Assembly?
  22. blinking lights.
  23. Displaying 32 bit datas on LCD
  24. Baud Rate and Timing Calculator
  25. keypad lcd and arithmetic help
  26. Handy Little Hexterminal
  27. Someone help me to simplify this
  28. PicBasic Forum Has a Software BUG!
  29. Follow-on To Caps-lock Post
  30. Forum crash ?
  31. Useful Link
  32. 16f648 and Porta control
  33. ICD2 with PBP
  34. USB data dump
  35. need a pic_basic compiler
  36. power up problem
  37. PicBasic Pro & PicBasic syntax different
  38. ad7710
  39. PicBasic Fundamentals
  40. Proton net
  41. End of the 16F84
  42. Crystal usage in PBP
  43. wiegand & com port
  44. Nice and Simple Hex Editor
  45. i need driver code for infineon's sle4428
  46. speaker jet synthesizer chips
  47. Two switches per pin!!!
  48. PIC16F877A adc help
  49. Strong processing routine
  50. mmc_project
  51. PIC 2 PIC wireless connection
  52. help plz
  53. Data corrupterd when using serout command
  54. help needed Serial Communication and Crystal frequency
  55. pic to pic communications
  56. DCF77 and PICBasic
  57. PIC 16F877 I2C communications
  58. ASM for dummies
  59. The best way to record non-volatile data
  60. CAN bootloader 18f458
  61. Copy protected code
  62. 16Fxx + MAX038
  63. 2 PIC's 1LCD
  64. hserout VS serout
  65. First Project
  66. can we use PIC to interface with 64mb sd ram?
  67. Pic to Pic programming
  68. CANCOMM software
  69. Keypad entry?
  70. Making a pleasant sound!
  71. @ Device Parameters
  72. Help Required for Newbie
  73. How to learn PIC BASIC compiler in 7 days?
  74. Where can I find working version of P16F84.inc file?
  75. pwm help
  76. Why use an 18F chip
  77. PIC 16F74 and PORTE
  78. PIC876 multiplexing
  79. 16f629
  80. FAQ - POST Frequently Asked Questions ?
  81. 12f657 programming question
  82. usb 24LCxx serial eeprom programmer
  83. problems reading code from chip
  84. Hyperterminal Protocal
  85. Tachometer code problems.
  86. auto advance
  87. Which PBP Compiler are you using?
  88. Newbie has some questions
  89. Learning Basic
  90. Interfacting RF Module
  91. New Programmer. Which one????
  92. What does this MCLR instruction mean?
  93. When to use MCLR, WDT, PWRT, BODEN, CP, CPD, etc
  94. pc puppet
  95. First test program, but strange results
  96. Pic To Pic
  97. Multitasking
  98. need hex code to make 12c509 a flip flop,
  99. PBP Interrupts for beginners
  100. Low frequency output
  101. 8 Bit output
  102. multiplexing IR array into PIC 16C7x
  103. ADC Load
  104. duplicatig a chip
  105. Trouble with Lcdout
  106. A basic loop problem gumming things up
  107. Timer 1 Interrupt
  108. detect oscillating input
  109. decompile?
  110. Config word / pullup resistors
  111. configuring the internal oscillator
  112. CodeDesigner Manual
  113. Serial Interrupts and latency
  114. Serial Data format
  115. Strange ASM file
  116. Code check (sorry)
  117. How should I go about designing a part to work with the MDB standard?
  118. 12f675 programming question
  119. High visibility LCD
  120. DS1307 problem
  121. Serial - to invert or not to invert...?
  122. Timer overflows and interrupts
  123. Command execution time
  124. what happens when a variable gets to be 65535 + x
  125. bit, byte or word?
  126. Typles of LCDs
  127. PWM and I2C
  128. General Programmer Questions
  129. OT: KS0108 Graphics LCD control question
  130. To all Forum Members !!!
  131. PICDIM Lamp Dimmer for the PIC12C508 - PICREF-4
  132. Power up problem
  133. K8048 and IC-PROG
  134. Interrupt Latency - ASM vs. Basic
  135. 9 bit addressable USART
  136. Bluetooth
  137. LINUX IDE and PBP
  138. read temperature sensor
  139. serial formatting
  140. PIC overclocking
  141. Sound and sound control with minimal parts
  142. MAX232, Bootloader, Microchipc test prints garbage
  143. Programmer For 16f627a
  144. Migration 18F452 --> 18F4620
  145. Which is the method to use
  146. PIC PORT 'special' pins
  147. Simulation
  148. ºC -> ºF Conversion
  149. Floating Point Co-Processor
  150. Watchdog Timer
  151. 74HC/HCT166 shift register datasheet, error...?
  152. HPWM Motor Control
  153. read temperature
  154. PIC USB Programmer
  155. LCD contrast
  156. general info for project
  157. Reducing the number of writecycles on EEPROM
  158. simple newb question
  159. PIC chips, stepper motors and precision
  160. pulsein comand
  161. Epic Programmer
  162. Converting Stamp code
  163. LCD - Blocks at Start-up/Initialisation
  164. LM35 newbie question
  165. Need more code space
  166. Altimeter
  167. need pic basic tutorial
  168. Important !
  169. Important !
  170. Blinking effect during shifting out to LEDs
  171. 3 Phase Angle Control
  172. Closed loop control
  173. LED var Byte
  174. where do you get your components
  175. ne567 discontinued, need sub
  176. what's similar to the 16f84a?
  177. Question about POT command
  178. chip selection aid
  179. garbage var from pulsin,,
  180. How do I use DEBUG ?
  181. 24fc512
  182. HPWM on a 628 is not changing freq.
  183. 18f4620 bootloader
  184. Making Array of two ports
  185. How to address I/O pins on 12F509?
  186. I need help with writecode
  187. size of program vs mem on pic
  188. max amps,,, driving leds,
  189. H-Bridge control DC motor
  190. H-Bridge control DC motor
  191. USB in PIC16Xxx and PIC18Xxx
  192. oscillator selection
  193. multiple ports ===> one symbol?
  194. MAX232 Level Converter
  195. Communication with a Mobile device
  196. Volume Control IC's
  197. Basic Question about PICBASIC
  198. home brew game console W interface
  199. Freelance
  200. Memory Size Discrepancy
  201. overwhelmed by chips,
  202. Need help with epic programmer
  203. portA.4 on a 16f628A?
  204. Variable as write address
  205. Spooked code lines
  206. I need for pic16f877 rs232 ASCII input to 16 bit binary out circuits
  207. I2C and multiple slave
  208. Help with SPI SP12T!!!!!!
  209. Regarding the EEPROM 25LC640 series
  210. long sleep
  211. pcb fab small run>?
  212. readig or just copy protected PIC microcontroler as pic16f84A
  213. Looking for PICBASIC "man pages"
  214. Long Distance Input's to Pic
  215. I want to cmmunicate with IE-Bus
  216. Hserin/hserout ?
  217. SD-Card
  218. code assembler
  219. for/loop for a timer?
  220. MMC and PIC
  221. Exclusive OR howto?
  222. Long Range Wireless
  223. Help on PIC12C509
  224. Help with Thermistor Circuit
  225. Multiple IR LEDs from 1 port using transistor
  226. Freebie Request
  227. EPIC PLUS programmer (problem)
  228. Help With Easy Radio Modules
  229. Pic16f88
  230. 16f88
  231. Converting compiled code to unsupported PIC
  232. Pic to Pc Comms
  233. 1 master 4 slave communication I2C protocol how to do?
  234. Compile Error
  235. Compile Error 108
  236. PIC16F877 - CCP / motor help needed
  237. Splitting a byte?
  238. PIC read program
  239. PIC16F62X outputs
  240. Best way to store array of bytes?
  241. Forward error correction
  242. Need Help in Measurement of Voltage
  243. OT: EEPROM setup in MPLAB ???
  244. Compiler/Assembler Error
  245. Help for Weather station
  246. Help code Protect
  247. I should have known better...
  248. Normal programming question
  249. EPIC Programmer running hot.
  250. Interfacing an Video LCD Screen