View Full Version : General
Pages :
- Math problem!
- frequency measurement
- Tmr1
- Audio D/A idea
- Remote control
- Interrupts using a 16F877
- 'Soft' On/Off Power Switch
- Sound Command with 12-bit MCU's
- Where to download AVR Basic Compiler?
- Modifying a variable?
- Switch Polling vs Interrupts
- are the any other picbasic forums?
- Anyone use Virtual Breadboard?
- need help on comparator
- where to get non-pdf data sheets
- New to PIC Programming
- SERIN timeout
- PIC Basic-L List ?
- Math for numbers > 65535?
- Temporary central repository of Darrel Taylor's works (including Mr E's Multicalc)
- Assembly?
- blinking lights.
- Displaying 32 bit datas on LCD
- Baud Rate and Timing Calculator
- keypad lcd and arithmetic help
- Handy Little Hexterminal
- Someone help me to simplify this
- PicBasic Forum Has a Software BUG!
- Follow-on To Caps-lock Post
- Forum crash ?
- Useful Link
- 16f648 and Porta control
- ICD2 with PBP
- USB data dump
- need a pic_basic compiler
- power up problem
- PicBasic Pro & PicBasic syntax different
- ad7710
- PicBasic Fundamentals
- Proton net
- End of the 16F84
- Crystal usage in PBP
- wiegand & com port
- Nice and Simple Hex Editor
- i need driver code for infineon's sle4428
- speaker jet synthesizer chips
- Two switches per pin!!!
- PIC16F877A adc help
- Strong processing routine
- mmc_project
- PIC 2 PIC wireless connection
- help plz
- Data corrupterd when using serout command
- help needed Serial Communication and Crystal frequency
- pic to pic communications
- DCF77 and PICBasic
- PIC 16F877 I2C communications
- ASM for dummies
- The best way to record non-volatile data
- CAN bootloader 18f458
- Copy protected code
- 16Fxx + MAX038
- 2 PIC's 1LCD
- hserout VS serout
- First Project
- can we use PIC to interface with 64mb sd ram?
- Pic to Pic programming
- CANCOMM software
- Keypad entry?
- Making a pleasant sound!
- @ Device Parameters
- Help Required for Newbie
- How to learn PIC BASIC compiler in 7 days?
- Where can I find working version of file?
- pwm help
- Why use an 18F chip
- PIC 16F74 and PORTE
- PIC876 multiplexing
- 16f629
- FAQ - POST Frequently Asked Questions ?
- 12f657 programming question
- usb 24LCxx serial eeprom programmer
- problems reading code from chip
- Hyperterminal Protocal
- Tachometer code problems.
- auto advance
- Which PBP Compiler are you using?
- Newbie has some questions
- Learning Basic
- Interfacting RF Module
- New Programmer. Which one????
- What does this MCLR instruction mean?
- When to use MCLR, WDT, PWRT, BODEN, CP, CPD, etc
- pc puppet
- First test program, but strange results
- Pic To Pic
- Multitasking
- need hex code to make 12c509 a flip flop,
- PBP Interrupts for beginners
- Low frequency output
- 8 Bit output
- multiplexing IR array into PIC 16C7x
- ADC Load
- duplicatig a chip
- Trouble with Lcdout
- A basic loop problem gumming things up
- Timer 1 Interrupt
- detect oscillating input
- decompile?
- Config word / pullup resistors
- configuring the internal oscillator
- CodeDesigner Manual
- Serial Interrupts and latency
- Serial Data format
- Strange ASM file
- Code check (sorry)
- How should I go about designing a part to work with the MDB standard?
- 12f675 programming question
- High visibility LCD
- DS1307 problem
- Serial - to invert or not to invert...?
- Timer overflows and interrupts
- Command execution time
- what happens when a variable gets to be 65535 + x
- bit, byte or word?
- Typles of LCDs
- PWM and I2C
- General Programmer Questions
- OT: KS0108 Graphics LCD control question
- To all Forum Members !!!
- PICDIM Lamp Dimmer for the PIC12C508 - PICREF-4
- Power up problem
- K8048 and IC-PROG
- Interrupt Latency - ASM vs. Basic
- 9 bit addressable USART
- Bluetooth
- read temperature sensor
- serial formatting
- PIC overclocking
- Sound and sound control with minimal parts
- MAX232, Bootloader, Microchipc test prints garbage
- Programmer For 16f627a
- Migration 18F452 --> 18F4620
- Which is the method to use
- PIC PORT 'special' pins
- Simulation
- ºC -> ºF Conversion
- Floating Point Co-Processor
- Watchdog Timer
- 74HC/HCT166 shift register datasheet, error...?
- HPWM Motor Control
- read temperature
- PIC USB Programmer
- LCD contrast
- general info for project
- Reducing the number of writecycles on EEPROM
- simple newb question
- PIC chips, stepper motors and precision
- pulsein comand
- Epic Programmer
- Converting Stamp code
- LCD - Blocks at Start-up/Initialisation
- LM35 newbie question
- Need more code space
- Altimeter
- need pic basic tutorial
- Important !
- Important !
- Blinking effect during shifting out to LEDs
- 3 Phase Angle Control
- Closed loop control
- LED var Byte
- where do you get your components
- ne567 discontinued, need sub
- what's similar to the 16f84a?
- Question about POT command
- chip selection aid
- garbage var from pulsin,,
- How do I use DEBUG ?
- 24fc512
- HPWM on a 628 is not changing freq.
- 18f4620 bootloader
- Making Array of two ports
- How to address I/O pins on 12F509?
- I need help with writecode
- size of program vs mem on pic
- max amps,,, driving leds,
- H-Bridge control DC motor
- H-Bridge control DC motor
- USB in PIC16Xxx and PIC18Xxx
- oscillator selection
- multiple ports ===> one symbol?
- MAX232 Level Converter
- Communication with a Mobile device
- Volume Control IC's
- Basic Question about PICBASIC
- home brew game console W interface
- Freelance
- Memory Size Discrepancy
- overwhelmed by chips,
- Need help with epic programmer
- portA.4 on a 16f628A?
- Variable as write address
- Spooked code lines
- I need for pic16f877 rs232 ASCII input to 16 bit binary out circuits
- I2C and multiple slave
- Help with SPI SP12T!!!!!!
- Regarding the EEPROM 25LC640 series
- long sleep
- pcb fab small run>?
- readig or just copy protected PIC microcontroler as pic16f84A
- Looking for PICBASIC "man pages"
- Long Distance Input's to Pic
- I want to cmmunicate with IE-Bus
- Hserin/hserout ?
- SD-Card
- code assembler
- for/loop for a timer?
- MMC and PIC
- Exclusive OR howto?
- Long Range Wireless
- Help on PIC12C509
- Help with Thermistor Circuit
- Multiple IR LEDs from 1 port using transistor
- Freebie Request
- EPIC PLUS programmer (problem)
- Help With Easy Radio Modules
- Pic16f88
- 16f88
- Converting compiled code to unsupported PIC
- Pic to Pc Comms
- 1 master 4 slave communication I2C protocol how to do?
- Compile Error
- Compile Error 108
- PIC16F877 - CCP / motor help needed
- Splitting a byte?
- PIC read program
- PIC16F62X outputs
- Best way to store array of bytes?
- Forward error correction
- Need Help in Measurement of Voltage
- OT: EEPROM setup in MPLAB ???
- Compiler/Assembler Error
- Help for Weather station
- Help code Protect
- I should have known better...
- Normal programming question
- EPIC Programmer running hot.
- Interfacing an Video LCD Screen
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