View Full Version : PBP3
- Using a PIC18F4550 package for PIC18F2550 compiled code. Any issues?
- LESTER - Permissions Issue
- Upgraded Finally
- Interrupts and WDT are driving me nuts!
- Read Write with 16F1527
- LCDOUT with a 12F683
- Strange compile error? "Could not spawn language tool. "
- Windows 8, and 64 bit OS compatibility Question
- Issue with 12F609
- PBP3.0.6.1 - USBMOUSE.pbp - compile errors.
- Clarification need about #CONFIG...#ENDCONFIG / asm ...endasm.
- display greater than 8 bit numbers
- Integrate PBP3 in MPLABX.
- Assembler Error Msg?
- Working with memory
- Problem with SEROUT after compiling with PBP3
- Hardware PWM (HPWM) Clairification on 18F45K22
- PIC16F1828 config/assembly problem
- Variable Problems for Cread
- Arraywrite word
- troubles with serial communication
- 10F222 wake/sleep
- 18F26J11 and CTMU problem
- 12F683, TMR1 and ON INTERRUPT revisited
- Newbie migrating from Basic Stamp to PIC
- RC Receiver with PIC16F628A Very Glitchy
- What is theabsolutely minimal hardware to run BLINK with a PIC18F4620?
- Sonic Depth Meter code & Math problems 12F683
- Simplest hardware and code to blink a LED with PIC18F4620
- STR \ Coun max len?
- PBP3 to include 18F97J94?
- 10F222 Wake on pin change
- Conditional compile
- Having problems with nrf24l01 when trying to send multiple bytes
- Define osc 8 not working on 12f683 - wondering if Its related to include files?
- PBP3 Timer and RS232
- Mikro's Visual GLCD with PBP3
- PBP3 and DS1307
- 4 x 20 LCD display with PB3 - Pin 5 High or Low?
- beginer help needed
- Help with example button program
- program crashes: is it my code or the chip?
- A/D, and compiler issues.
- SERIN & SEROUT to combine subroutine switch (SW1) and LED to use in Serial
- problems with 16F887: config or hardware
- Program crash - how to trace the cause
- PICs not on the list
- help clean up some code
- Changing CONFIG @ runtime possible ???
- PIC18F2550 Problem - GoSub or GoTo fails if the jump is too far
- how much space it takes up
- DT_Timer error
- 12 bit A2D on 18F46K80, need a bit of help for figuring TAD and getting correct value
- removing pbp3 from xp machine to windows 7 machine
- DS1307 not running?
- config
- Trial period is 0 days
- Error 115 - Duplicate label
- Clearing Index variable arrays
- Config help
- MPASM Error Message
- Picbasic/18F/internal data-EEPROM capacity > 1kbyte?
- how to access and set bits in a byte array?
- Help with Pic-18F23K22
- Creative ways to make macros with the least amount of code space
- what is a good general purpose 18F part?
- Math Problem
- includes?
- Please help with configs/defines for PIC12F609
- How to read CONFIG1
- SWDTEN troubles (16F1933)
- pic with countdown timer register?
- New PBP3 user
- PBP3 licence
- DT interrupt and 12f683
- PIC18F45K80 runs way to fast.
- Strange register interaction on 18F2431
- Need help getting started.
- PIC16F886 not running.
- Questions regarding measuring of frequency pic 16f887
- PIC16F1455 Support
- MSB Compile error
- 12F1840 config issues
- Using floating point
- Converting 32 bit Floating Point, and 48 and 64 bit Integer to string
- Pic10F202 Master clear will not turn off.
- 10 bit PWM 16F1824
- Math Problems
- transfer a string from ROM to an array
- Looking for Elapsed_DN.bas by Darrel Taylor
- Interpret to Picbasic Code ¿?!!
- Disable/Enable DT interrupt
- Version 3.0.8 released.
- WRITECODE - How it works
- Wierd result when inverting an input
- A tft addin for pbp3
- Need help converting a 4 bit binary number to 4 separate values
- Error Compiling with PbP 3
- PIC 18F device suggestion.
- Simulation newbie, any pointers?
- Frequency meter to air band receiver
- 16F88 Config
- Port alias in Port Expanders (MCP23S17)
- baud
- 16F819 config for A/D
- SSPCON registers not being recognized on 18F2550
- Inline Asm Problem
- Configuration bits
- Calculating Daylight Saving Time
- Structured Array
- Decoding Pulse Telephone
- Using INCLUDE to add a text file in PBP3
- Help Needed with DT Instant Interrupts
- PBP 3 will not compile
- Internal Osccillator help
- program runs and stop
- High out of memeory errors with mcsx and win10 64b
- updated and cannot compile
- Pb3 pic12lf1571 asm error
- trouble configuring 16F677
- Error Messages
- How to run MPLAB IPE from MCSP
- My first post searching help
- Pbp3 - pic18f87k22 / pic18f67k22 setting config typo error ???
- Where to read the explanation for warning code?
- How translate Arduino code to Proton.
- Utility of ARRAYREAD
- Define oscillator speed
- How long does this take to execute
- Need help in setting a 1.3inch oled display
- FREQOUT command for continuous operation
- MicroCodeStudioPlus keeps crashing.
- Error
- Weak pullup on 18f2620
- cannot find the reason for such a strange behavior
- DIV32 calculation with PBP3 version
- unexpectedly reset
- line continuation character
- Best way to join two variable in one
- Is it allowed to change pin reference within a subroutine?
- MCS is Crashing
- Unable to program 18F67J94
- High speed pic scaler for Survey meter for PIC16F627A translation to PIC18F2855?
- PBP3 and DT Interrupts
- Instant interrupt by Darrel
- Is it possible To change baud rate at runtime?
- How to update meCONFIG
- PBP3 Code Does not Compile with PBP3.1
- Need help with LAT instruction
- Help with PORTB Interrupt On Change Please
- Help with RTCC Module - 18F26J50
- Changing Baud Rates
- Tm1637 libary - has it been done
- SSD1306 INCLUDE for PBP3
- PB3 gold vs silver
- 16F88 and external Oscillator
- How to use the Microchip XPRESS drag and drop bootloader with MCSP
- Symbol not previously defined (EEPROM_START) - PIC16F15325
- Pbp3.1.1
- High priority/low priority program parts
- Menu building
- A bit of a math problem
- Good ol' 877
- Managing registered machines on which PBP3 is installed
- Bug report - 16F18857 using NAP command
- Chattering relay
- PIC16F1503 Fixed Voltage Reference
- Using Pic to listen to audio tones from car radar detector
- Pic 18F26K40
- GOTO vs RETURN after a GOSUB
- pb3 with pic 12f529T39A
- Error when compiling with DT_INTS_3_4b"
- 16F1827 - Slow Clock
- After update serial programmer won't open
- GPS Project: PIC18F26K22 or PIC18F46K22
- 18f27k40 - adc settings
- 18f27k40 - timer0 changes from K22, K80 series 8bit/16bit mode
- Normal i/o required on portc , pin6, 7 18f27k40
- IOC on the 27k40
- DT Elapsed Timer Question
- PIC16F18855 and DT elapsed timer
- I2CRead problem
- Installing Programmers for use with Microcode Studio
- Pwm settings for 18f47k40
- large preload includes
- Confirm 18f47k40 MSSP setting and allocation using PSS
- Mcs ide
- PICKIT-3 installation in PBP 3.1
- EasyPic 6 Mikroelectronika
- breadboarding
- Tiny bootloader and pbp
- MCU with ICSP instead of PGD/PGC
- Unable to execute MPASMX
- Digital touch Screen Combination lock
- Heart rate sensor MAX30102
- 12F683, DT_INTs, and Lost pulses
- Weird problem with large(ish) array access
- IR temp sensor
- PPS understanding on 16F15313
- BME280 sensor.
- CCP and timers to capture frequency
- Supress "MSG" in compile
- PIC16F15355 config setting to work on internal OSC with clock 4MHz
- Help with PIC 12F683 bit confituration in PBP3
- Wondering if I can move PBP3 and MPLAB over to newer system - which is Linux
- 12F683 GPIO.3 MCLR pin - unusual response
- Looking for info - functions built-into PBP3 for controlling HD44780 displays?
- Make PIC simulate binary up/down counter - how to calculate how fast can it count?
- 2nd Set of Eyes - with my Config settings for PIC16F1825 - running internal 32mhz OSC
- 18F1220 - DEBUGIN not working
- HEF EE OK with WRITE ?
- Chip had no EE, should PBP3 know that?
- PIC18F1220 - Variables initialisation placement makes a change
- Graphical Displays with PBP3
- after reinstall cannot comile
- 12F675 vs 12F1840
- HSERIN issue with a 18F452 and IF THEN statements or Case statements
- PICkit-4 Installation in PBP/MCS
- Multiplying with 11 using PIC
- How to remove ghost directory from mocrocode studio
- issue PBP compile with win10
- microcode studio error compile with google drive or dropbox folder sync
- Matrix keyboard with State Machine
- Interrupt on Change with 16F886
- Parsing commands and parameters
- Pulse train capture
- pic18f87k40 Timer1 setting
- Data processing in array
- Sleep does not really sleep...
- Arithmetic LCD drive/control
- What is causing my problem?
- COFF problem when box checked at compile time.
- directive in pbp to select pic
- PIC16F15244 and PIC16F527
- Speed optimization (framebuffer scrolling)
- Supporting Q series PIC
- Having Trouble with install
- Matrix keyboard and sleep
- MCC Standalone version
- Scaling and offset of a sensor
- Strange 4x20 LCD behaviour
- GC9A01 LCD display
- Hef/saf eeprom
- Window Comparator and Direction
- Stuck on first attempt using MPLAB X
- wrong positive and negative voltages on lcd 20x4
- Write EEPROM with Interrupts
- Going backwards, can't even get a basic blinky working now
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